Your Lawyer, Your Partner
Your Lawyer, Your Partner
Your Lawyer, Your Partner
Washington DC bankruptcy lawyers will tell you that Washington DC is not immune to the troubled economy. During the last couple of years Washington DC bankruptcy lawyers have seen a huge increase in cases. This growth shows no signs of slowing down, either, despite the claims that the economy is lifting. How is the best way to find a Washington DC bankruptcy lawyer? The first place to look is amongst your family and friends. It might surprise you to learn of how many people have had to seek out professional help in reorganizing their finances. If your family and friends have been luck and smart, then turn to the internet. Most lawyers have sites on the internet, and if they don't most have listings on the bar association's web site. If you cannot find one that you like on the internet talk to church and community groups. They often have contact with lawyers. Once you decide to contact a lawyer, you might want to develop a plan for yourself. This way you will have intelligent and relevant questions to ask. Approach the lawyer as you would a partnership. In this case the partnership is your financial health and well being, now and going forward two or five years. Your advice might be to file a consumer bankruptcy, either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Chapter 7 will liquidate your assets and pay off your creditors. Chapter 13 will work out a schedule of repayment to your creditors. Your advise could be more conservative: get on a budget, sell some assets or get a second. job. Pay attention to the advice, follow through, and the chances are you will find yourself in a much stronger financial position in the months and years to come. Your lawyer is a small part of the process helping to bring debtors and creditors together to stabilize the economy.
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