Imagine making a trip to the bank to withdraw all of your assets and as soon as you leave the bank you head straight towards the nearest trash receptacle and dump everything you just withdrew into it.
Would you do that? Of course you would not do that knowingly but do you realize that you could unwittingly be paying a company to cheat you therefore throwing your money into the trash?
Do you read the policy and procedures of any companies you are interested in joining?
A big red flag should come up if they do not have one. The policy and procedures serve as a contract between you and the company. If the company has no policy and procedures and things go sour do you have a leg to stand on to defend yourself?
Do you dismiss the legal jargon you see if you do read the policy and procedures?
Do not think for a second that they would not use something in the policy and procedures against you if the company wanted or felt they needed to.
If the wording is there then it is there for a reason. If they never intended to do it or use it then it would not be there.
Sadly many policy and procedures are created to cheat you and only protect the company. The policy and procedures of a reputable company will be different from the policy and procedures of a company who just wants your money and intends to cheat you.
Remember the more pages in the policy and procedures the more things the company can hide from you.
They are counting on you not reading or not fully reading the policy and procedures. Try reading from back to front. Usually all the things to excite you are in the beginning.
Read, read, read and read some more. I cannot stress how important it is. Research any terms you do not understand if you cannot afford to have a lawyer take a look at it.
If you would not walk over to the nearest trashcan and dump all your money into then why do it online? Know what you are getting yourself into so you do not end sorry later.
An ounce of prevention is worth more than the cure.