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Why Post-it Notes Are The Single Best Marketing Strategy

Let's talk about post-it notes

Let's talk about post-it notes. We'll do it real quick and do some basics in marketing. We previously talked about this, but it's basic and it's important.

Direct Response Marketing

We're doing what's called direct response marketing. That means we are putting some sort of marketing out there and we're looking for a direct response.

We're not doing what's called grandiose or image marketing. We are not going to put out an ad and hoping 10 years from now the image, design, music or whatever becomes synonymous with our company. We can't afford that. We need what's called direct response.

We put an ad out, and a phone call or email comes back to us. Hopefully those phone calls or emails ultimately lead to some business. That's why we do direct response marketing. It's far more cost effective.

There is one-step marketing and we've talked about that. You get your entire message out in one step. It's great if you can do it, but for the most part it's not very cost effective. It can be very costly to get your entire message out.

Two-Step Marketing

Two-step marketing is when you get out a piece of information or a couple of pieces of information, just enough to whet their appetite that they will call you, email you, or go to your website and essentially raise their hand and say, "I would like to hear some more about what you're doing or what you have to offer. Tell me some more." Then you go through into your sales process.

The post-it notes do exactly that. It will give them a couple of pieces of information, and we'll go through that tonight. It will in many cases elicit a response. "I'm kind of interested. I've been thinking about selling my house. I've tried to sell it with the realtor but the six-month contract is just about up and nothing's happening. I would like to consider something else." You're at the right place at the right time. It elicits a response.

Our marketing pieces are going to have a benefits-laden headline. That never changes. It's on everything single thing we do. These are the same things we have gone over before.

It's going to give a marketing message. It's going to have an offer or offers, potentially. It's going to have a reason to respond immediately. It's going to have response instructions: Please call, please email, please go to my website. It's going to have very specific instructions. It's not left up to a guess. We don't allow our readers to have to do the work and try to figure out what the next step response is. We tell them very clearly.

Post-it notes meet all of the criteria. If it's done well you'll get extraordinary response rates

by: Michel Lautensack
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Why Post-it Notes Are The Single Best Marketing Strategy Fairfield