Why Backing Up Your Website Is So Important If Your Business Is Online
Have you ever heard of a server problem through anyone you know
? Or maybe some ones website going down for no fault of their own. If you conduct a business or businesses on the internet it is important, i mean vital, that you backup your website in case of disasters. They could be caused because of theft, fire, lightning, power blackouts, natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, volcanoes and even earthquakes. There is probably more, but are you prepared?
I am willing to bet most website owners trust their hosting companies to cover all problems, but they cannot! You must take care of your own business/es and back up your files. In a past life one of my job titles was Disaster Recovery and Security Co-Ordinator. My job was with a large Australian company who thought ahead and got in place a plan in case of a disaster. We tested on weekends our plan of being able to restore our complete Mainframe Computer System in a day.
Big companies realise that their data and clients are vital to their business and plan ahead, so must you. What they did as part of their normal operations was to back up every disk daily, weekly and monthly. Then these back ups were stored in a safe place both onsite and offsite.
What i suggest is to do the same and backup your website files on a regular basis. I backup the folder with all my website files(which i upload to the website server) onto a small hard disk that plugs into my USB slot on my computer. That then means that i have 3 copies of my website files, one on the website server, one on my laptop hard disk and one on this removable USB hard disk. Even a 4gb USB drive is enough(depending on the size of your site), and they are very cheap to buy. It is also a wise move to store this USB disk offsite, that is not at your house or place of business. If you go see your parents every week, make sure you backup before you go, and ask them to take care of your USB disk.
How often you ask should i backup? That is completely up to you and how often you change pages on your website. If you only change things once a fortnight, then once a fortnight should be enough. I personally do it once a week, but that is my choice.
Do not rely on other people to protect your vital website files, do it yourself and have peace of mind. A disaster could be just around the corner. What happens if your hosting company suddenly goes out of business or has a disaster? Simply load your website files onto another hosting companies server and your in business again.
It can take some people months to build up a website, do not put all that hard work at risk. Think of it like car insurance, you must have it. Protect yourself and your online business at all costs!
by: greg smyth
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