Where Is The Lotto Money Going And Is It Being Spent Wisely
The National lottery or Lotto as it is now known
, it is a game that we have probably all played, run by Camelot that can help to turn you into a multi millionaire in thirty seconds if you manage to correctly pick six out of 49 possible balls, the odds of achieving this is roughly 14-million to 1 which apparently means that the chance of getting struck by lightning is more of a possibility.
Having said that a lot of us play the lotto every week, hoping that our six numbers will be the ones that come out of the machine, with the price of entry set at only 1 pounds we can't really complain and a lot of us see it as an acceptable for of gambling.
The positive side of lotto is that a percentage of the money raised through participation is then put back into the community through a number of charity programs. It also helps to fund some of our athletes who otherwise wouldn't be able to compete in their particular field because of time and money constraints.
For every positive there is also a negative and with the Lotto the problem appears to the governing body who assigns the money. I have now been to several events that may not be considered mainstream sporting events and every time I get to speak to the individuals running the events I hear the same story about how lottery funding was denied and how it has stunted their efforts.
Motorsport appears to be one area where the lottery is unprepared to spend any of the money, after speaking to an individual who had attempted to start a feeder class for young motorcycle racers but could obtain any funding to help pay for the equipment. The decision not to provide funding to this might seem appropriate, however when you log online and check out some of the other grants that have been approved it becomes slightly less transparent.
A lot of the border extreme sports are struggling to survive because funding is not available to attract new members in, while sports that take little effort to arrange or play like Badminton appears to be receiving monumental grants for little to no reason. Badminton is after all a sport that only requires two rackets, a shuttlecock and a net.
The Lotto has done a number of things to help our sporting athletes out and helped the UK achieve a great result at the last Olympics, however the powers that be inside the organisation need to broaden their horizon from the so called popular mainstream sports to help fund some of the others genres before they disappear.
by: Anna Stenning
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