ICD-10-CM is the much anticipated diagnosis code revision to ICD-9-CM
. ICD-10 has been in place throughout most of the world for morbidity and mortality statistics since 1994. It has been a requirement for reporting mortality in the United States since 1999. ICD-10-CM contains approximately 68,000 codes.
Numerous studies have indicated that it will take about six months for medical coders and healthcare providers develop a level of proficiency with the system. This highlights the need for advanced training to make sure that the transition goes smooth.
Some of the differences between the two systems are ICD-9 diagnosis codes consist of 3-5 numeric characters representing illnesses and conditions; alpha-numeric E codes describing external causes of injuries, poisonings, and adverse effects; and V codes describe factors influencing health status and contact with health services.
ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes consist of 3-7 characters; first character is alpha; characters 2-7 are alpha or numeric and always at least 3 characters plus the use of a decimal after 3 characters. The coding system has the capacity for new diseases like SARS and WNV to be included. It will also have the flexibility to include current and future knowledge of disease and medical terminologies. It also offers the best coding accuracy and specificity available.
The main structure for ICD-10 codes is very simple. They are broken down into chapters and sub chapters. Diseases are grouped by letters which make research very easy.
One of the main benefits is that ICD-10-CM lends itself to the use of Electronic Medical Record and are better suited for use in EMRs because they permit a better mapping from SNOMED-CT, the clinical reference terminology, plus they are more suited to computer-assisted coding.
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