What Do Doctors Have In Common With Increasing Your Consultancy Income?
A proper Diagnosis leading to the correct Prescription is crucial if you want to cure the patient
. I first came across the term "Diagnose before you Prescribe" in Keith M. Eades book "The New Solution Selling". One of the core concepts of the book is that all Great Sales People must also be Great Consultants and it is important to first Diagnose the Situation before you Prescribe a Solution.
The ability to quickly get to the root of the problem and to first diagnose before prescribing a solution is a fundamental mindset every Consultant should have. The problem is that in the rush to gain a contract with a new client sometimes we forget to carry out a detailed "examination" prior to "diagnosis". In consultancy as in the medical profession many a misdiagnosis is made because the "consultant" didn't examine the "patient" in enough detail first, this can lead to costly delays and ambiguity as to what benefits you have provided your client.
It is important that when initially meeting with a client that the examination process should be explained to them and if necessary extra time be taken in the examination phase of the engagement so that a proper diagnosis can be made. This one small rule will add considerable value to your consultancy business if followed correctly.
As an added benefit, a detailed examination enables the consultant to take a snapshot of the organisation allowing an initial benchmark of key metrics to be created. Once agreed with your client, this benchmark can then be used post solution implementation to measure the change in key metrics and therefore clearly demonstrate the degree of value added. Examples could be, an increase in revenue per product or a reduction of time per unit produced.
By spending extra time examining and clearly benchmarking at the start of the consultancy engagement you will not only make a better diagnosis, you will also put in place a clear stake in the ground which helps measure both your degree of success with the project but also the amount of value added to your client's organisation.
Quantifying the value of your Project with your client also: -Supports the Sponsors decision to hire you -Increases the likelihood of further work -Makes Testimonials and Case Studies much easier to collate
Of course things sometimes don't go as smoothly as we would like which is why it is also important that all Great Consultants are Great Sales People too.