Waste Household Appliance Market Is A Global Super

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, Panasonic and other home appliances giant, no more than 8% profit margin, but the recycling of waste home appliances are up to 20% margin
As metal-rich waste household appliances, recycling Jiu Jiadian for reuse, has become the number of Japanese manufacturing companies the means to reduce production costs. These enterprises to start the recovery Jiujia Dian business, refining equipment, and environmental protection through professional treatment, to earn high profits every year.
Street in Tokyo, the reporter interviewed several young people who look like students, they say, home appliance recycling industry does have a good potential. Former students work-study, mainly to convenience stores, food stores and video shops and other places to work in income in 1200 yen / hour (about 10 U.S. dollars). But the last 2 years, joined the home appliance recycling company, for its propaganda, and became member of recycling Jiujia Dian's pick has become the new choice of working students. Because this type of work requires a certain professional identification and classification of place, the valuation of such knowledge, the remuneration should be higher than the above-mentioned services. Whenever such companies
Always crowds, many Chinese students have joined the industry.
Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan, according to an Sagamihara City
Recycling plant worked a presentation on the Japanese home appliances discarded each year about 18 million units, the weight of 60 tons (the figure is still rising), which contains up to 150 thousand tons of various metals. Since 2001, the Japanese development and implementation of "home appliances recycling law" to regulate the recycling industry, manufacturing enterprises must also provide for recycling of waste appliances ratio:
Air conditioning
More than 60%, 55% TV, refrigerator,
Washing machine
Were 50%, 45% of mobile phones, these measures for the home appliance recycling industry profit margins expanded. Currently, Japan has been built throughout the past 40 home appliances recycling plant.
The young man added that the current, normal household appliances industry profit margins are generally low, around 5% -8%, Sony, Panasonic consumer electronics giants such loss or even year after year. However, he was a year where the plant can be recycled Jiujia Dian, the extract 150 kg of gold and other metals, more than 20% profit margin, profit down about 5 million U.S. dollars. According to calculated per kilogram of gold content, Jiu Jiadian gold content equal to the highest gold content of gold ore in South Africa about 20 times, is worthy of the name "Super Gold." It is worth mentioning that the recycling of waste home appliances in Japan, the cost is very low recovery costs of a common color screen cell phones just 20 yen (about 0.17 U.S. dollars).
Provided under the Japanese Ministry of Economy data, Japan is currently engaged in recycling of waste household appliances industry, output value of about 300 billion yen (approximately 2,700,000,000 U.S. dollars), this scale when the
2005 R & D funding for the full year. With the constant improvement of recycling methods, environmental awareness is on the rise, the industry's future growth space unlimited.
Reporter also learned that, in fact, in addition to Japan, the European part of the company also found great wealth in this industry space. The world's leading manufacturers of mobile phones and electrical appliances
Saw the "making money", by optimizing the design, Nokia's environmental protection
For product designers to provide a complete analysis tool for quantitative analysis of materials can be recovery. By using this tool, the current weight of the Nokia mobile phone from 75 to 90 percent of the materials are recyclable, only this one, it greatly enhanced the sales of Nokia in Europe, which he should draw on mountains of stone.
Waste Household Appliance Market Is A Global Super
By: dpdp
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