Washing Your Automobile Like A Professional Auto Retailer
Washing your car is one of the basic steps on keeping it look good and new
. Every car owner wants to maintain its inner and outer original appearance. With a hose, plenty of water, soap, towel and sponge, you can do it easily all by yourself. But what if your car has a vinyl-covered roof?
The vinyl covering used on tops of the cars is subject to drying and fading. Keeping it clean and protected will lengthen its life greatly. Cleaning a vinyl-covered top is no more difficult than washing the rest of the car. Most vinyl roof materials have a textured surface that resembles embossed leather. A scrub brush with nylon bristles does a good job on cleaning this kind of surface. Vinyl dressings can keep the material soft and pliable, and prevent it from drying out and cracking. In addition, such dressing help retain the original color and texture of the vinyl. If the car is very grimy, do not use a washing compound. Soaps or detergents should not be used. If it is necessary to use more than water, use a mild liquid dishwashing detergent or a mild auto washing compound. Do not mix too much detergent or compound. Often, a capful of detergent in a gallon of water will be sufficient. Also, chemically treated cloths sold for cleaning cars are not recommended.
To clean a vinyl-covered top, apply first a vinyl top cleaner or a suds solution made with a mild dishwashing liquid and water. Apply the suds with a scrub brush, using a circular motion. Rinse the suds off using a garden hose or pails of clean, cold water. Allow the vinyl top dry. Apply a dressing formulated for vinyl tops. Usually, a small clean cloth is saturated with a dressing, and thin, smooth coating is applied, using a smearing, circular motion. Apply only enough vinyl dressing for the treated area to take on slight luster. Allow the vinyl dressing to dry for at least 30 minutes. Buff the surface with a clean cloth.
First are the preparation and the rinsing. Park the car in the shade. Bouncing of sunlight can give you a water spotted surface as the car dries. It's nice to be in the sun, yet if you do the wash job in the hot sun you will be rewarded with water spotted paint finish not a good idea, nor a use of time. If you are going to be rewarded with a beautifully washed vehicle then wash it and let your automobile dry in the shade. It's all the same whether you are cleaning and washing a car, truck or sports utility vehicle. Using a hose, preferably a garden hose and plenty of water, rinse the entire surface of the car. As alternative, you can use pails of water and a sponge. Be sure to wipe the undersides of fenders, bumpers, wheel wells and the edges of trim moldings.
Next is the washing and rinsing. Wash the car using large pieces of toweling. Start at the top and work downward by washing the top and then one panel or section at a time. You can remove bird droppings, insects and tar marks by holding a cloth saturated with cooking oil on the area until the material lift off. Rinse the car by using clean water and towels to rinse each panel or section as you go along. By the time you have finished washing and rinsing; most area will have dried and will be somewhat water-spotted. Wet the entire car again. By drying the car while it is still wet, you can avoid water spotting. Dry the car with a damp, clean chamois or towel.
by: Laurence U. Storey
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