Warning! Wealth Depends Not On The Amount Of Money!
You know many people think that wealth depends on amount of money
. WRONG! You know before I started learn personal finance I had a great desire to win a lottery. May I ask you a question? What would you do if you win 1 mln$? Buy a house? Buy a car? Travelling? Give up working? Right! More than 90% of people think so, that is why more than 90% of people are not rich!!! According to the statistics people who won the lottery in 1-3 years become even more poor than they were before.
What happens with the lake which has no the source of water? Sure it will dry up. So why than it can not happen with money? No matter how much you won 1, 2, 10 mil dollars if you do not make your money work they will disappear into the air.
You know before I started learn personal finance I had a great desire to win a lottery. May I ask you a question? What would you do if you win 1 mln$? Buy a house? Buy a car? Travelling? Give up working? Right! More than 90% of people think so, that is why more than 90% of people are not rich!!! According to the statistics people who won the lottery in 1-3 years become even more poor than they were before.
Why does it happen. Because more than 95% f population does not know the laws of money. They do not know how much should they spend and how much should they save to multiply their wealth.
Now it is interesting for me why many people a striving to follow the law of the state, but are not trying to follow the law of the money?
Believe me that laws of money are much more easier than you can even imagine
And I knew about these laws in ISIF (International school of investments and finance). And it changed my life greatly. Now I know that I can reach financial freedom. And I assure you that you will be able to do the same. ISIF not only helps me to understand the laws of money, but also let me build Profitable Internet Business
For more information please visit www.mlminweb.com
by: Anna Nikulina
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