Vision Shopsters: Global Wireless And Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market (20092014)

Share: The improvements in networking and modern-day communications have brought about the
demand for bulk transfer of voice and data from one point separated from another by almost 50-100 miles. While the conventional wire-connected networks had great bandwidth, they involved the complex task of the stretching physical wires over great distances. In wireless data backhaul, data packets can be sent to distances as far as 50 miles at a speed ranging from 1Mbps to 2Gbps. Cellular operators have played an important role in this new emerging market of wireless data backhauling. The emergence of 3G services has provided biggest market boost, as these services provide organizations huge bandwidth for transferring data from one location to another.
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The growing trend of globalization has been a pivotal factor in the market growth of telecommunications; and thus acts as a market driver for wireless data transfer and the wireless backhaul market as well. The economic growth of developing nations and the spread of internet and mobile communications in these regions have opened up new markets for wireless backhauling. The market is set for a huge growth as wireless backhaul is expected to become a mainstream technology for data transfer within the next five years.
The global wireless and mobile backhaul equipment market is expected to be worth US$38.0 billion by 2014, growing at an estimated CAGR of 18.7% from 2009 to 2014. Microwave forms the largest market segment and is expected to reach a size of US$16.5 billion by 2014. Asia is the largest wireless backhaul market; and is expected to be worth US$12.2 billion by 2014, accounting for nearly 32% of the total revenues. The Asian wireless backhaul market also has the highest CAGR of 21.8%.
Scope of the Report
This report aims to identify and analyze Global Wireless and Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market according to applications, technologies, and topologies. The report provides in-depth market estimates and forecasts for Global Wireless and Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market as follows:
Wireless and Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market Technologies: TDM & ATM, microwave, pseudowire, free space optics, satellite, All-IP RAN
Wireless and Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market Application: Voice/data backhaul between cellular towers, broadband backhaul connectivity, building-to-building connectivity, video surveillance backhaul
Wireless and Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market Topologies: Point to Point (PTP) configurations, Point to Multipoint (PTM) configurations, wireline bridging and extension
Each section will provide market data, market drivers, trends and opportunities, top-selling products, key players, and competitive outlook. This report will also provide various market tables for different geographic regions covering the sub-segments and micro-markets. In addition, the report also provides 40 company profiles for each of its sub-segments.
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by: Vision Shopsters
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Vision Shopsters: Global Wireless And Mobile Backhaul Equipment Market (20092014)