Using Just Seven Simple Steps Will Save You Hundreds Of Dollars A Month
If you use all of the following steps then you'll save several hundred dollars a month
, and even if you only want to use some of them, you'll save a lot of money, so don't just read the advice, but please act on it too.
1) Go To The Supermarket Less Often And Always Take A List
Going to the supermarket less frequently and only buying what's on your list will save you a lot of money every month!
It's a well known fact that people without a shopping list buy several things that they didn't intend to buy every time they visit a supermarket, and that's what supermarkets are designed to do.
Supermarket managers have things moved to different locations all the time so that you have to go searching for them, and they know that whilst searching that you'll likely buy things that you had no intention of buying when you came into the store.
So if you go less often, and even if you still buy some unintended things you'll save money.
2) Don't Buy Credit Card Insurance
Most credit card companies offer at least four different kinds of insurance:
1) Life and/or AD&D (Accidental Death & Dismemberment) insurance means that when you die your credit card balance will be paid off.
"Life Insurance" should obviously be called death insurance, but it doesn't sound so nice!
2)Disability Insurance, will pay your minimum credit card payments for a limited amount of time if you become disabled.
3)Critical Illness Insurance, will pay your minimum payments for a limited amount of time if you get sick.
4)Involuntary Job Loss Insurance will pay your minimum payments for a limited amount of time if you get laid off.
You'll notice that only number one actually pays off your whole debt, and you'll need to die before it does, so is it worth it? The others only pay of your minimum payment for an agreed upon period of time, and because of accumulating interest charges you'll mostly likely owe more money than before if and when you're able to start making payments again.
N.B. Many credit card companies automatically provide travel insurance at no cost if you buy your tickets using their card, so check that out.
3) Get Rid Of Your Telephone Land-line
Cell phone companies are offering great packages now, and many of them are pushing unlimited airtime for just an extra few bucks a month, meaning that less and less people are paying for incoming calls, and since landlines are never charged for incoming calls, you don't have to worry about your friends getting charged if you call their land-line.
You can also use Skype which offers high quality phone calls pretty much worldwide from computer to computer free of charge, and to landlines and cell phones at a very low cost, and GoogleTalk offers free high quality calls between any two computers that have it installed. If you want to keep your land-line however, then think about dropping extras such as caller id, call waiting, call forwarding, and long distance which are probably costing you around $40 per month.
BTW - you can make 911 calls from a land-line that's been disconnected, as long as it's pluggedin of course ;-)
4) Your Tap Water Is Probably Safer Than Bottled Water
Around 40% of bottled water began its life as tap water, and the only likely difference is added minerals that may actually be harmful. The French Senate even advises people who drink bottled mineral water to change brands frequently because the added minerals are helpful in small amounts, but may be dangerous in higher doses.
In the US and in many other countries too, there are more regulations governing the quality of tap water than there are for bottled water, and the water quality standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency for tap water are more stringent than the Food and Drug Administration's standards for bottled water.
How about the taste?
In taste tests that were carried out all over the U.S. people often said that the tap water tasted better than the bottled water, and in a recent test at the West Side County Fair in Riverside Park people were tasted from two jugs of water, one containing "Poland Springs" water, and the other straight from the tap, and out of the 86 people who took the taste test, 61 thought the tap water tasted better.
5) Cut Back On The Cable TV
Take a look at what's in your cable package and think about the last time you watched some of the junk that you're paying good money for. The internet has far better news coverage than cable stations, and if you want to watch sport then pay per view might be a better option. There might be some soaps or favorite programs that you feel you'd miss, but ask yourself if they're worth the $50 a month that they might be costing you.
6) Cook Extra Food At Home To Eat At Work
Not only will you save a lot of money by taking food from home and eating it at work, but you'll also eat a lot more healthily if you choose to. To save time in the morning, simply put the food in a reusable container at night so that you just have to take it out of the fridge in the morning. Nearly every work place now has a microwave, and even if yours doesn't, then you can take foods like chicken that taste just as good cold as they do hot.
7) Cappuccino and latte
There's certainly nothing wrong with going to a coffee shop with friends to have a latte or cappuccino, but $4-5 bucks a day every working day sure adds up fast, and you can buy an espresso machine for around $50 which will pay for itself in a month.
Smoking, Drinking And Gambling
I didn't mention smoking, drinking or gambling because people that indulge in them know only too well what they cost and how much they'd save by not indulging in them, and they certainly don't need me to tell them to cut out, or to cut back on, what they consider to be, one or more of life's little pleasures.
by: Michael Redbourn
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