Is Trivita a scam or the company you've been looking for all your life
When a company is brand new there's ample cause to be skeptical. I mean the reality is, most MLM companies never make it past the first 5 years in business. But that's just not the case with Trivita. They are a decade old company which is a very important factor that implies there is no Trivita scam to worry about.
It's important to analyze the leadership at Trivita. You really couldn't ask for someone with more qualifications to run a successful company than Trivita's founder and president Mr. Michael Ellison. Mr. Ellison is the man behind the success stories of "Ellison Media company", "Global Duplication" and "Ellison Research". Through those ventures, as well as the success at Trivita, Mr. Ellison has proven he's got what it takes to build a solid enterprise.
Another huge indicator that "Trivita Scam" cries are completely false is the fact they they are an active member in the Direct Selling Association. Any company that's privileged to be a part of the DSA commits unquestionably to abide by the DSA's code of ethics. Should the company violate this code of ethics they would lose their membership. Trivita is a member in good standing.
It is a fact that many people stay away from MLM because of being afraid to contact people they know about a business or a product. Why people are scared to share good things with others, I'll never understand, but the fact remains.
Trivita has come up with and is utilizing a very unique marketing concept that's really breaking through some of those barriers that people have with network marketing. Mr. Ellison and his company have developed a concept known as "Cooperative marketing". Basically this means that the company invests it's resources into advertising and lead generation and allows the representatives to add the 1 on 1 interaction. The rep is then able to build a residual income without hounding friends and family.
Great leadership, solid history in the marketplace and a commitment to it's representatives and business partners are all hallmarks of Trivita. I applaud this company for it's efforts in the marketplace.