Tips To Develop Good Habits As A Business Owner
Habits are things that stick with you and drive your behavior
, even when you aren't thinking about them. For this reason, it is a good idea to try to develop good ones, such as responding to clients and customers in a timely manner, practicing courtesy, and facing challenges head-on, rather than slinking into the background. Here are 9 more tips to develop lasting, good habits as a business owner.
Tip #1 - Identify and Rid Yourself of Bad Habits
No matter who you are and how successful you have been, you're probably carrying at least a couple of bad habits. Perhaps you procrastinate. Or perhaps you become highly indecisive when the going gets tough. No matter what it is that you suffer from, identify it as a bad habit; and then get to work eliminating it permanently.
Tip #2 - Write Your Ideas-And Others' Ideas Down
Just because you're no longer a student doesn't mean you should stop taking notes. Next time you or someone else says something that is truly insightful or useful, jot it down as a note. In the long run, this will save you time and money, as you won't have to waste precious time rediscovering your own and others' insights.
Tip #3 - Set Goals
This simple fact cannot be emphasized enough: one thing that separates the successful from those who have not experienced success is goals. The successful have goals; and these goals give them meaning and direction. If you're lacking serious, meaningful goals, then you should spend some time to create them and then write them down.
Tip #4 - When It's Time to Be Serious, Be Serious
One thing that separates the successful from those who have not yet experience success is the ability to become very serious when it is important. Many of us simply cannot do this. Instead, faced with real problem that is potentially unsolvable, we use humor, procrastination, or some other device to shy away from the problem. But if you want to be truly successful, you must learn to get serious when it's time to be serious.
Tip #5 - Seize the Moment
Another important quality that the successful have is their ability to seize the moment. When they see an opportunity in arm's length and they know that it's real, they take it. They don't debate it for a month until it is too late.
Tip #6 - Don't Just Learn - Apply
When it comes to business, "learning" isn't enough. In business, learning is only as valuable as the return it generates. This is why you must get in the habit of learning new things-and then applying them immediately.
Tip #7 - Take Time to Think About Important Decisions
Most people agree that "analysis paralysis" is a bad thing. However, when it comes to making decisions, we often err too far on one side or the other. Sometimes, we take far too long; and, other times, we don't take long enough.
Instead of deliberating carefully, forming an opinion, and then acting, we often either jump to a conclusion or waste endless days thinking about the subject. In the end, our interests are better served by making the decision fast, but doing so based on sound information.
Tip #8 - Avoid the Grandiose
Creativity is important, but when it is excessive, it can lead to grandiosity. The successful know that being grandiose is not useful. Rather, it is simply a form of day-dreaming that does not translate into practical and reasonable set of steps you can take to improve your situation.
Tip #9 - Think in Terms of Problems and Solutions
Those who are successful in most of their endeavors see the world in terms of problems and solutions. That is, as soon as they hit a bump in the road, they go into problem-solving mode, rather than going into problem-avoidance mode or panicking.
by: Brian Scott
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