Three Common Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing A Refrigerator
A refrigerator is a big purchase
A refrigerator is a big purchase. It's not like buying a camping cooler or a new cooking pan. A refrigerator is an ongoing investment in that it is counted on to keep food fresh. Something else to consider is that it serves as a continual expense on the monthly utility bill.
Many have realized that by recycling their currently outdated refrigerators and investing in energy-efficient models, their utility bills are reduced enough to pay for the fridge in only a matter of a year or two. There are several reasons to get a new fridge. It's important to avoid the common mistakes many make when looking into purchasing such an expensive appliance.
The first common mistake that many make when purchasing a refrigerator is to assume that brands they have trusted for other electronics are just as reliable for refrigerators. Most vast brands that provide a variety of electronics and appliances are not to be counted on for every one of their products. For instance, just because Sony makes a fabulous television set does not necessarily mean they are the best for cellular phones.
The same is true for brands like Whirlpool who make both clothes washing machines as well as refrigerators. Many who have had a fabulous Whirlpool washing machine may feel content to trust the same brand for their refrigerator. This is a common mistake. Simply because a brand is good at one type of appliance does not mean it is great at all types. Be sure to check the consumer reports for brands regarding the specific appliances you are looking for. Otherwise, you will most likely end up needing refrigeration repair.
The second common mistake that should be avoided when purchasing a refrigerator is to assume that all refrigerators are the same size. This is not true. In fact, many have the same internal measurements but different external measurements due to their designs. Those who ensure that accurate measurements are in hand before selecting a fridge will undoubtedly save much time and hassle in the long run.
The third common mistake made amongst those in the market for a refrigerator is to purchase anything but an energy efficient fridge. Purchasing appliances that are rated energy efficient will not only help the environment but it will greatly cut back on monthly utility bills. A penny saved is a penny earned as the old quote reads. The initial price of an energy efficient refrigerator might be a bit more than one that is not rated energy efficient, however, most home owners will receive tax rebates and incentives as well as plenty of monthly savings in the long run to more than make up for the higher cost of the investment.
Indeed, those who purchase a refrigerator should definitely check the consumer reports for brands, double check measurements and look for the energy efficiency ratings. Those who do will indeed make a great investment on their fridge.
by: Art Gib
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