Things You Should Know Before Applying For Financial Aid
Colleges are seeing a rise in enrollment, and more people are applying for federal student financial aid than ever before
. The government encourages students straight out of high school, and non-traditional students, by offering subsidized and un-subsidized student loans. In addition, there are plenty of state and local loans, grants, and scholarships that students can take advantage of in order to realize their dreams of getting a college degree. Grants are free college money, and it is crucial that you find out all the entities that will give you grants.
Some parents, and even individuals don't fill out the application for federal student financial aid, because they just assume they won't qualify. That is a huge mistake; they are potentially throwing away free college money by making assumptions. It is also important to fill out the forms, because other scholarship and grant providing groups sometimes want to see the information as well.
Specific colleges and universities also have free college money to give away, and public colleges will also be able to accept federal student financial aid grants and loans. The USC financial aid office, in particular is very helpful in getting students access to the financial aid that they need. The college is instrumental in matching student with funding every year.
The economy is part of the reason colleges and universities are seeing such a rise in enrollment. People losing their jobs are qualifying for going back to school, and students who aren't able to find jobs are continuing with advanced degrees instead of jumping out into the work force. The government is still handing out federal student financial aid, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The government likes to help people who want to go to school get there. There are also quite a few schools that offer very well respected degrees, but don't come with a hefty price tag. At some schools, four years of tuition are the equivalent of buying a very nice home!
Federal student financial aid has been the only reason some people get to go to college at all. Land grant universities, especially rely on this type of funding to get them students. Generally, land grant institutions have a pact with the state that they will keep tuition affordable for all in state students. These schools still attract a lot of low income students that rely on federal funding to get their education. Free college money is free college money, and it goes the farthest at one of these schools with lower tuition fees.
If you are dreaming of getting your degree, please apply for federal student financial aid, even if you don't think you will qualify. You won't know how much free college money you are missing out on if you don't. You can go to college and get your degree, and have plenty of financial help along the way.
by: Robert Mcdonough
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