There is a Different Way Then MLM by:Leo Emery
The big secret in my opinion (and others) to earning big money online is what is called "Residual Income" or "Passive Income"
Now many people have been introduced to Residual Income through mlm or network marketing. Personally, I am not a big fan of mlm, in my opinion I don't believe you should have to pay someone to be in business and have to buy products or services every month that you don't need or may not want in order to get your paycheck.
However, I am a fan of the concept of residual/passive income that's promoted when people are offering their mlm business opportunities.
So what is residual income or passive income? Well simply put it is selling something once and being paid for it over and over again.
So how can you earn residual income and not get drawn into an MLM business? Easy, you can earn the same residual income that MLM'ers earn through Affiliate Marketing.
When you think about it mlm/network marketing is really affiliate marketing. The difference between mlm/network marketing is with Affiliate Marketing it costs ZERO dollars to get started and you never have to pay anyone anything to stay in business.
It's the marketing of the affiliate program itself that costs money, and the money an mlm requires you to pay each month so you can stay in business can now be used to market your affiliate program. So you are already a head of the game financially, you are not paying to stay in business then paying more to market the business.
And the big upside (for me anyway) you never have to call or talk a single person in order make just as much or even more then a person in mlm.
There are thousands of Affiliate Programs that have residual income opportunities. And these opportunities are through membership sites. Just like the gym membership that requires the member to pay monthly dues. So do these affiliate programs that represent membership sites.
Promote any affiliate program that requires a monthly fee and you are on your way to earning residual income. As long as that person is a member of that particular membership, you are paid.
You can make some serious money this way. Here's how; if you get 30 people paying you one month one, and you get 30 new people paying you in month 2. Not only will you be paid for the 30 new people you are also paid again from the 30 first people.
And so on and so on, your income compounds. So you can see the power of this check out the chart below, this is based on a residual income of just $30 per month. It could be more or less but this will give you the idea of the power of residual income.
1 sale per day = $900
Month 2 = $1800
Month 3 = $2700
Month 4 = $3600
And this is for just one program. You can market as many as you like, I know of one fellow that markets 143 different programs. I'll let you do the math on his income.
Ok, where do you find these membership affiliate programs? There found at Click Bank or Commission Junction just to name a few.
I personally use click bank to find my affiliate programs, and I only promote affiliate programs that offer residual income.
If you don't have a click bank account it is free to open and you can get there by clicking here
Let me give you a short tutorial for finding these money-making programs. When you enter the back office of click bank you will see at the top of the page a link called "Market Place". This is where you can do a search for these programs.
Now choose a category, for this example lets choose Money & Employment. Now choose a sub category, let's choose Home Business, there are several sub categories to chose from. Now enter some key words, so let's enter Make Money Online.
Ok now you have to sort your search. This is where you can get different results because you can sort by Popularity, High Gravity, Low Gravity, $ Earned/Sale, % Earned/Sale, Future $, Total $ Sale and % Referred.
When I do my sorting I check these three sorts; Popularity, High Gravity, and Future $.
Now you must pick the product type, you can choose from All, Standard Billing and Reoccurring Billing. Choose Reoccurring Billing.
Pick your language, simply choose All, and then hit "Go" the results of your search will appear.
Now it's time to do some research. And Click Bank gives you the info you need when choosing a program. It is listed below each result.
In addition if you know of a company you can also type in that companies name or program into the keywords field and if it is in the click bank system it will appear.
Ok let's say you have no clue what to look for, but you do know you want to represent programs that offer people the ability to make money online. Simply type in the keyword field Make Money Online and review the results.
Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and cost effective ways of earning a full time income online. If you have been thinking of a way to earn a passive full time income online try affiliate marketing.
To Your Success
Leo Emery
About the author
Leo Emery has been earning a full time living online for over 5 years and is a member of one of the most respected Money Making Mentoring and Coaching Clubs on the Internet. If you're eager to discover how simple it is to earn a six figure income online visit
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