The World Cup And Drop Shipping What Drop Shipping And The World Cup Have In Common
Who (in their right mind) doesn't love The World Cup
? It's the most popular athletic event anywhere on the planet. The athletic prowess, the national frenzy, and an immense amount of country pride dangling with the outcome. Little else can even dream of comparing to The World Cup.
But what does any of this have to do with drop shipping? I'll admit, it's a bit of a stretch, but stick with me and I'll explain. The World Cup consists of the best players drawn from different teams for each country. Thirty-two countries from around the planet compete in this worldwide event.
So, how is this related? If you associate products to players and manufacturers to countries, well, you start seeing the relationship. When you have an online retail store, you want the best products on your site for customers to buy. Depending on your niche, or lack of one, you have many manufacturers represented in your store.
Choosing the best products for your store is a lot like finding the best players for a team. And you may end up with competing products in your store -- or players on a team.
World Cup players may regularly play for a team that isn't located in their native country. For example, Player X and Player Z may both play for a team in New Zealand. However, Player X is from Australia and Player Z is from Mexico.
At the World Cup, these players are chosen to represent their native country. Normally teammates, they may end up competing against each other! And the reverse is also true. Competitors may end up playing on the same team.
If you want to be an effective and successful online retail computer store, you want the best products, correct? Do you choose Mac products exclusively, or do you offer competing products, like Microsoft and Linux, too? More choices result in more options for your customers. More options equals more customers.
Your drop ship company is like your online World Cup. A drop ship wholesaler allows you to choose a host of wholesale products. Your store is like the arena where all sorts of products are on display.
Sure, it's a whimsical illustration, but one that adds a little enjoyment for your online retail store. You have all kinds of advantages when using drop shippers, but throwing in the element of products as players can make it just a little more entertaining. Play on!
by: Stu Wiseman
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The World Cup And Drop Shipping What Drop Shipping And The World Cup Have In Common New York City