The Us Federal Emissions System To Drive The Global Carbon Market---aarkstore Enterprise Market
The US Federal Emissions System to Drive the Global Carbon Market
The US carbon market is still evolving as the strongest and the most persistent market in the world. The country has taken certain initiatives at the regional level to control greenhouse gas emissions. However, last year, various policies were introduced at the federal level to set up an economical and legally binding emission reduction plan in the country. Two major laws namely, Waxman-Markey Law and Cantwell-Collins Law, introduced in 2009, focus on two different mechanisms for emission reductions. Waxman-Markey Law aims at establishing cap and trade system whereas the later focuses on cap and refund system.
- Overview of the US carbon Market
- Carbon laws prevailing in the US
- Features of American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES): Waxman-Markey Law
- Impact of Waxman-Markey Law on the US Carbon Market
- Features of Cantwell-Collins CLEAR (Carbon Limits and Energy for Americas Renewal) Act
- Impact of Cantwell-Collins Law on the US Carbon Market
- Comparison of Laws: Waxman-Markey Law vs. Cantwell-Collins Law
Reasons to buy
The viewpoint studies the impact of the Waxman-Markey Law and the Cantwell-Collins Law on the US carbon market. It will allow the reader to
- Identify key growth and investment opportunities in the US carbon market on the implementation of either of the two laws
- Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industrys growth potential in the two different scenarios, namely, cap and trade: system and cap and refund system
- Facilitate decision-making based on upcoming market developments in carbon emissions market