The Secrets to Saving Money on Electricity in Connecticut
Author: Real Writer
Author: Real Writer
Everyone has heard of ways to save money on electricity. Purchasing a solar unit for your roof and buying energy-efficient appliances are two popular ways to cut your electric bill. These home additions can cost a bit of money, however. If you want to save money on electricity without spending a lot in the process, here are some little-known tips that will lower your bill and make Mother Nature smile.
Choose Your Energy Provider
A new trend in many states across the nation is called electricity deregulation. In a nutshell, electricity deregulation gives homeowners more choice regarding who provides their electricity and how much they'll pay for it. Before electricity deregulation, homeowners had a single choice - their local utility company. Electricity deregulation expands the market and allows for more competition among private energy suppliers, and that means more savings for homeowners.
To learn more about electricity deregulation, and to find a less expensive energy supplier in your area,
click here.
Increase Energy Efficiency in Your Home
Another great way to save money on electricity in Connecticut is to increase energy efficiency in your home. You can accomplish this by practicing these energy-saving habits.
Annually Inspect Appliances: Like all equipment, home appliances, including heating systems and AC units, should be inspected every year. A block in an air duct, for instance, can drastically lessen a unit's efficiency and cost a Connecticut homeowner unnecessary cash.
Check Filters: We all want to inhale clean air in our home, and grimy air filters make a unit work that much harder to filter air pollutants. A super-cheap but effective way to save money on electricity in your Connecticut home is by replacing your filters.
Purchase AC Units that are the Correct Size: If your Connecticut home is on the small side, don't buy the most powerful AC unit on the market. There's no need to expend unnecessary electricity to power a unit too big for your home.
Properly Insulate Your Home: Insufficient insulation always results in decreased efficiency. With this awareness, we should all take the basic steps to properly seal any cracks along door and window frames. Why continue to waste the cold or warm air that's costing money?
When You're Sleeping, Put Your PC to Sleep
There exists a heavily-contested debate over whether or not to turn off your computer when it's not in use. Some cynics believe that frequently turning your PC on and off can damage the machine, despite research revealing that turning off your computer at night actually extends the computer's life.
If you still don't want to turn off your computer at night, there is a compromise. Newer computers have a sleep mode that uses much less power than the in-use mode. Using the hibernate mode can save over 75 dollars a year on electricity.
To save the most energy, turn off and unplug your computer at night.About the Author:
Lower Electric Bill Today
50 Waterbury Road #111
Prospect, CT 06712
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