The Reality About Cash Gifting Programs And Your Online Business: Part 1
Author: Bruce Gelerter
Author: Bruce Gelerter
We should all know that marketing on the internet can be a risky business at best if we don't know about the company or even some of the people that run the company. These days we all need to keep our scam sensor working overtime to discover the real work from home opportunity from the get rich quick scheme. One of the greatest online income opportunities ever offered is a "real" Cash Gifting Program. With that said it must be brought to light that there is a difference in this type of program. Some cash programs in the past were just "pyramid schemes" dressed up like an angel of light. Now let's take a look at what it takes to make a real Cash Gifting Program work for anyone that gets involved. Cash Gifting can be illustrated as: The act of privately or publicly giving another person or entity a declared sum of cash, (as a gift) and giving it freely without coercion or consideration. Cash Gifting is in no way a loan or any type of payment for goods or services received. Now you might guess why it's called a cash gift... because that's totally what it is. Let's lay out a few of the reasons several of the Cash Gifting Programs in the past have gone under in a remarkably short time: 1) The founders of some of these programs had no idea how to create a proper Cash Gifting program to help the members with a proper "business model." Every home based business or work at home opportunity requires a proper plan of operation to be a success, even Cash Gifting programs. 2) No tracking system was created to keep all of the members abreast of what monies were in the mail or when to expect them. 3) There werent any legal documents made nor distributed to illustrate the transfers of cash gifts from one person to another. 4) In several instances no tested marketing system was provided for the members. Besides not providing proven marketing strategies, the members were set up to lose before they ever got started, unless they were seasoned veterans. 5) With no way to track the members advertising efforts no one had any idea when, why or how their hard earned dollars were being spent and what in fact was the return on their investment. So what happened? In the past many Cash Gifting programs immediately were labeled as illegal and several were called pyramid schemes or considered scams. Now, in many examples this wasnt true, but lacking a proper "business model", destiny prevailed. I'm sure the greater part of us have gotten the "Send $5 to 5 people and you can earn a kabillion green backs in the next 30 days" letter. This type of Cash Gifting letter is the perfect example of the old expression "one bad apple can spoil the bunch." Stay tuned for part 2 of this series and more relevant information on Cash Gifting. Best Wishes to You and Have A Happy New Year!! Bruce Gelerter Cash Gifting International Bruce Gelerter has been involved with Cash Gifting for over 4 years and has been in various Cash Gifting programs. He brings his knowledge for you to be successful as he shows you, step by step, and takes you by the hand to financial success. To find out more, go to We should all know that marketing on the internet can be a risky business at best if we don't know about the company or even some of the people that run the company. These days we all need to keep our scam sensor working overtime to discover the real work from home opportunity from the get rich quick scheme. One of the greatest online income opportunities ever offered is a "real" Cash Gifting Program. With that said it must be brought to light that there is a difference in this type of program. Some cash programs in the past were just "pyramid schemes" dressed up like an angel of light. Now let's take a look at what it takes to make a real Cash Gifting Program work for anyone that gets involved. Cash Gifting can be illustrated as: The act of privately or publicly giving another person or entity a declared sum of cash, (as a gift) and giving it freely without coercion or consideration. Cash Gifting is in no way a loan or any type of payment for goods or services received. Now you might guess why it's called a cash gift... because that's totally what it is. Let's lay out a few of the reasons several of the Cash Gifting Programs in the past have gone under in a remarkably short time: 1) The founders of some of these programs had no idea how to create a proper Cash Gifting program to help the members with a proper "business model." Every home based business or work at home opportunity requires a proper plan of operation to be a success, even Cash Gifting programs. 2) No tracking system was created to keep all of the members abreast of what monies were in the mail or when to expect them. 3) There werent any legal documents made nor distributed to illustrate the transfers of cash gifts from one person to another. 4) In several instances no tested marketing system was provided for the members. Besides not providing proven marketing strategies, the members were set up to lose before they ever got started, unless they were seasoned veterans. 5) With no way to track the members advertising efforts no one had any idea when, why or how their hard earned dollars were being spent and what in fact was the return on their investment. So what happened? In the past many Cash Gifting programs immediately were labeled as illegal and several were called pyramid schemes or considered scams. Now, in many examples this wasnt true, but lacking a proper "business model", destiny prevailed. I'm sure the greater part of us have gotten the "Send $5 to 5 people and you can earn a kabillion green backs in the next 30 days" letter. This type of Cash Gifting letter is the perfect example of the old expression "one bad apple can spoil the bunch." Stay tuned for part 2 of this series and more relevant information on Cash Gifting. Best Wishes to You and Have A Happy New Year!! Bruce Gelerter Cash Gifting International About the Author:
Bruce Gelerter has been involved with Cash Gifting for over 4 years and has been in various Cash Gifting programs. He brings his knowledge for you to be successful as he shows you, step by step, and takes you by the hand to financial success. To find out more, go to
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The Reality About Cash Gifting Programs And Your Online Business: Part 1 Atlanta