The Mistakes To Avoid In A Business Coaching Program
If you have contemplated engaging in a business coaching program because you believe
it will immediately deliver success and wealth, then I have some sobering news for you. Just paying out fees to someone without taking into account your part in all this will not be enough.. Covering off on some important considerations before plunging into a business coaching program can help you avoid disaster. Here are a few:
* Your understanding of your role in the exercise
* Your dedication to define a vision and goals and stay focused on them throughout
* Acceptance of responsibility for your actions (or lack of them)
* The patience necessary to realize the gains
* Persistence to keep going when you feel like it's getting too tough
* Doing what is necessary even when it may feel uncomfortable
Don't miss the real payback in any business coaching program of gaining valuable knowledge. The coach is not going to be doing all the work for you!. Remember, you get to absorb and keep the knowledge - it becomes yours forever. That is where nirvana is, in the confidence that comes from having learned and mastered the skills of business. Take every opportunity to learn all you can, every little tactic and strategy so that as quickly as possible you own that knowledge and never have to pay for it again.
Be prepared to commit to at least 3 months of coaching to see real and consistant results from your activities together. Beware of any advisor promising fast and significant results in a few weeks. This is marketing spin that is intended to rope in those who are impatient and naive, and that's not you! Business coaching can deliver fantastic benefits to the bottom line and is an effective strategy if approached with the right perspective. It is a very fast way to gain years of experience in business whilst avoiding the pitfalls that could damage your success.
The coach is your guide on this most exciting journey into business growth. You will learn to be accountable and responsible for all your business decisions - both good and bad. In this way you will reap the rewards of not only business success, but also of your own development as an entrepreneur.