The Global Green Initiative

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The Global Green Initiative
The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values for building a sustainable society. Humanity is called upon to create a global partnership to protect the Environment, human rights, human development and sustainable living.
The Ark of the Gaia Covenant means protecting Gaia, the Earth, the Mother who gave birth to mankind.
Isnt Nature the first teacher of Man ? Didnt Man first experience the Divine in the stillness of the woods ?
In Natural Philosophy,Sankhya, Universal Nature and Universal Time are the two main principles which are responsible for the world.
Time is the Creator, Time is the Preserver, Time is the Destroyer and Universal Nature is His beloved consort !
(Sarvam Kalena srijyanthe, Sarvam Kalena Palayanthe, Sarvam Kalena Samhriyante ).
Time is the all consuming Power
Of mighty Absolute !
The foolish Ego thinks it is the doer
But is afraid of Time !
Prabhavam Paurusham Prahuh
Kala meke yatho bhayam
Ahankara vimoodatma
Karthaham iti manyate
It is time for us to give Nature Her due !
Theology or Anti Paganism tries to convert people into dogmatic and superstitiious believers of an extra cosmic God ! It is time for us to choose between the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light. This is the Golden Age of Enlightenment and the ignorant have no place in the Age of Enlightenment !
Considered as India's biggest and first social reality show, the Green Kerala Express is a successful S R show, by the govt of the coastal state of Kerala.
There is a grand jury consisting of PhDs and the 1223 Panchayats, the Corporations and the Municipalities of Kerala will come under the scanner. It has received 250 entries so far from the residents of Kerala. A whopping 213,000 USD will be awarded to the best Corporation, Panchyath and Municipality, after 100 days of intense competition. Projects will be selected and there will be video documentation. The leaders of Panchayats who are selected will have to answer the learned Jury's questions. The august assembly or audience can vote via text messages.
By Green is meant Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming, water conservation, health, food and social security, eco friendly homes, atmospheric non pollution, education, energy, housing and women's empowerment, in a land burdened by overpopulation and scarce resources.
There are some good examples like a village that ditched pesticides for Organic Farming. Waste was converted into biofuel by one village's initiative , and another village replaced incandescent bulbs with flouoscent bulbs. Another village is based on Bio Gas. Another village which solved its potable water problem was highlighted. Another village which led in fish production due to theMatsya Kerala ( Fish Kerala ) Program. The Panchayaths distribute fish feed and small fish free of cost and the fish tanks become productive tanks. ( India with 7 million tonnes of fish production lag behind China's 49 million. 50% of India's production is from inland farming or Aquaculture ).
The Green Initiative is spreading worldwide and will sweep the world.
Education or Wisdom is great and is the teacher of teachers. It is time India invested in R & D in Agri and educated its people about both Bio Technology and Organic Farming and the necessity of keeping the land green and improved her agri infrastructure. Now there is an awakening and 32 lakh trees were planted on Environment Day. 2000 trees were planted at the Trichur Medical College Healing Garden and 200 gooseberry seedling were planted by Oushadi, the state's Ayurvedic arm at the nearby Santhvana Vana. More than 10 million trees will be planted in Kerala !
I hope they include Bio Dynamics and Astro Meterology as part of Organic Farming.
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