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The Best Way To Look For Unclaimed Money

The Best Way To Look For Unclaimed Money

The Best Way To Look For Unclaimed Money

Are you aware that millions and billions of dollars of "Unclaimed Money" is being held at this very second by the United States and Canadian Government agencies and that this figure continues to grow at amazing and incredible to believe $ 250 million dollars each and every year.

It may be like winning the lottery for you. Could you not use an extra $ 50,000, $ 100,000 or more? Would you like to take a dream vacation, buy a new car with cash, provide your children with a college education, or buy the new home that you always wanted?

A big chunk of this money could easily be yours by simply sending an email , sending a single letter , making a phone call, or spending a few hours browsing on your computer or researching for a few hours at your local library.

Little known secrets cam provide you with all the information needed to make these dreams come true, Best yet obtaining this money is perfectly legal and legitimate.

You may well the lost heir and rightful owner to millions of dollars. Billions of dollars of assets are now being held by the state governments for individuals who have not been located, range from unclaimed tax refunds, stocks, dividends, or descendant's estates, to renter's security deposits, utility company deposits and the contents of safety security boxes. All of these amounts to billions and you could well hit the jackpot with a simple search for yourself, or someone else.

Any state's unclaimed property division should be able to provide you with a complete and current listing of unclaimed property accounts, names and last known addresses. If for you some reason, they cannot, ask for the name and date of the last publication or website postings that the information was released in. You may find that listing by searching on the web (search engines such as Google or yahoo may form the start of your search). You may well have to search local newspapers which are held in stacks or on microfiche at your local library.

It may even be that you can make a livelihood out of your enterprise. You can charge a "finder fee" for services rendered. Once you have your listing narrow your search down to those unclaimed assets with the highest values. Remember a good percentage of a large piece of pie (or in this case money), may well be worth a fair chunk more than a solitary meager piece of pie.

If a person named in you newly acquired unclaimed property listing is at the same address as indicated you may well have made the easiest money of your life in finder's fees. If not begin your searching online phone directories, or even physical directories at the library. You can always purchase almost anything on the internet. For a relatively small fee you can buy online services, cads or programs with more exhaustive lists of phone numbers and addresses as well as additional data of greater scope. Many people have unlisted phone numbers or simply cell phones that do not show up on online directories. Again the extra services that you may well have purchased may well come in handy in locating these lost heirs.

Thus it is a two step process pf research. First find the money. Next find the rightful owner. Third collect your money and well earned large finder's fees.
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The Best Way To Look For Unclaimed Money