The Advantages Of Professional Property Management Versus "mom And Pop Management"
Professional Property Management vs
Professional Property Management vs. Mom and Pop Management
One of the things we're going to focus on is what is professional management versus mom and pop management. Now many of you may have a couple properties. Maybe you've read a book on property management, I don't know, but if you ultimately want to make a business and to grow wealth and to be a serious real estate investor, you need to become a professional property manager.
That is you're better at it than most people. You're better at it than nine out of 10 investors. You take it seriously because you're investing a lot of your own money in these properties, a lot of your time and a lot of your energy, and you want to get the most you can out of it.
That's where the money is, because if you don't manage it properly, the value of that asset declines rapidly. I guarantee you, if you've bought a property, put a bad tenant in there and they destroyed your property, you're looking at $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 of damage. Not that property management can totally eliminate that possibility, but certainly professional management versus mom and pop management makes a huge difference.
Advantages of Property Management
We're going to go through that and understand that process. We're going to go through the advantages of property management. Why is it worth you getting on this call for two hours for a series of four calls? What are the monetary advantages of doing it? Are there monetary advantages to it? Why not just read a $12 book?
Sure, you can do that, but everybody knows reading a book is a hard way to learn. It's not interactive. You won't have the ability to fire questions at me. Maybe you're pretty good at property management and you have a couple areas you're weak at. You won't have the ability to fire questions at me.
Again, filling a rental. Let's say we had a $900 a month rental. Filling it 30 days earlier than you would otherwise puts $900 in your pocket. So the monetary issues here are tremendous. Keeping a tenant a second year as opposed to losing them because you didn't treat them right or you didn't fix the property right or whatever, reselling a vacancy is tremendously expensive.
You could be looking at two months vacancy, $900 per month, and costs you have to pay to maybe carpet in between tenants, so maintaining a tenant is again a huge monetary issue. So there are clearly some monetary issues here that can be quite overwhelming in terms of cost savings.
We're going to talk about the importance of education, these kinds of calls tonight, the importance of doing it on a continuous basis, meaning joining your real estate clubs, looking for other resources, maybe join my coaching program at some point down the road, but continue to educate yourself further and more completely as time goes by.
Again, a professional real estate investor continues the education process and never stops. A mom and pop learns a couple things and then stops. We're going to talk about the difference between the two. How to do things like develop contacts and network, how to work with contractors.
by: Michel Lautensack
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The Advantages Of Professional Property Management Versus "mom And Pop Management" Kista