The Academy Of Business Strategy - The Art Of Delegation
Delegating responsibilities to others increases your available time to carry out important work
. Delegation also develops your team which, in turn, increases the effectiveness of your operation and improves your chances of achieving departmental goals. Willingness to delegate is one of the marks of leadership, but delegation is difficult to exercise effectively. This is chiefly because it entails getting work done in a way that appropriately balances the quality of the solution with the needs of individuals. To delegate successfully, you need to know exactly what task has to be performed and exactly what motivates and satisfies your individual members of staff. Effective delegation involves a continued and growing relationship between you, the manager and those to whom you assign tasks.
As a manager, you should delegate authority but not responsibility. This means that you must be prepared to accept responsibility for the actions of your staff. That will sometimes be tough. You should also be prepared to let them have the glory when their actions are successful. That may be even tougher. Effective delegation is essential for growth and development of each member of your staff. They must know what results are expected of them and to what extent they are accountable. Subordinates need the authority and freedom to get on with the tasks at hand knowing they have your confidence and can come to you for help.
Delegation invariably involves an element or risk. A task may not be performed as well, as cheaply or as quickly as you might do it yourself. But once your subordinates have the opportunity to learn, they will eventually end up either matching your own level of expertise, or even exceeding it. Younger managers always tend to hang onto too much work, especially with the more exciting and responsible aspects of work. A good manager should always look to delegate everything possible as if they were planning to take time off work or render themselves redundant. If we are honest with ourselves, there will be very little that we cannot delegate. If you are always left with too much work in your in-tray then as a manager you are not delegating enough.
Do not overestimate your abilities or underestimate your team's potential. Delegating may well create new or better ideas about how solutions can be achieved. Good managers tend to delegate a great deal, creating a team which is constantly drawn up to the next challenge. A broad base of skill and experience is thus firmly established. These are the teams, departments and ultimately companies which achieve the most. Indeed a good manager will always have time to exceed employer expectations and have time for continuous self-development and personal career planning too. The managers who have the ability to manage parallel careers are effectively priceless to an employer and these individuals tend to be the ones who will eventually occupy the core vacancies within the company which employs them. Companies simply cannot afford to let these managers move on.
You should delegate everything you need not do personally, especially tasks which you are good at yourself and are used to doing. You will be particularly good at training your subordinates to perform and take responsibility for tasks with which you are familiar. Make sure that you delegate some aspects of the job which stretch your staff's ability and provide challenges. Obviously you should delegate to staff members who have better knowledge or more up-to-date information than you. Managers are often overworked and effective delegation frees them for work on larger and broader projects. When tasks are delegated to you by your boss, do not assume that you are the right person to do them. Your desire to impress must be tempered by the need to have the work performed by the most appropriate person within your team.
Effective management relies upon effective delegation.
by: Dr. Fiona Rawlins DBA MBA LLM
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