The 7 Strategies For Landing Page Optimization
Share: Landing Page Optimization is a component of internet marketing process termed as Conversion Optimization or Conversion Rate Optimization
. Its goal is to increase the number of visitors to your website, and which become sales leads and customers.
In formulating your landing page optimization strategies, you need to consider few things. The tactics of LPO should inform the site visitors about the webpage they have reached, so that they know the site and its contents.
Second, consider the viewer's varying browsing manners. Good LPO direct users to helpful links and information.
Third, your LPO should be flexible. The skills of readers and users vary. Therefore, your webpage must be ready for all persons with different skill levels.
The 7 tactics in Landing Page Optimization includes:
1. Consider eye-tracking. Review the pages that the users browse when he visited your site. Evaluate whether the visual clues you have provided for them led them to the point where they have to decide on purchasing.
When browsing through your site, never interrupt them. Let them finish the scanning before you engage them on query.
2. Try several landing pages. In internet marketing, it is better to use more tools. As regards Landing Pages Optimization, having multiple landing tools is a sure way to reach the goal that had been previously missed by a certain landing page.
Try using different subject headers particularly if you are using one email message to lure traffic. Test the length of your copy. The ideal is short. However, as an internet marketer, you need to sell an item, and this can be done when you need explain clearly the important things. Lack of information may lead to failure as clients want to know more. So make a test.
3. Review your encore page. The encore page is the resolution page. it is the page given to you when someone had provided his or her information to download a PDF file, made a purchase from your internet marketing domain or subscribed to a newsletter.
These visitors have the chances of taking more action, had you only asked them. You can invite them to subscribe to your newsletter, or offer them an incentive for taking a survey. You can also cross sell them. The point is, do something.
4. Experiment on your registration form. Amy analysts agree that in internet marketing, many potential clients get turned off every time they need to fill up a page to register.
It is wise to ask for their e-mail address, or get few fields of information to qualify your A leads to B leads and C leads, however, the best thing to do is ask only for the information that the user believes you will need for your internet marketing.
5. Be flexible. Some users admire complexities of the web pages because they are already adept at it. But for those who are not internet savvy, complicated navigation can only discourage them and leave the site.
People who are not used to quick solutions are mostly the ones who do the purchases. So , help the visitors understand what your internet marketing site offers.
Use short paragraphs and bullets. An internet marketer knows when to use lengthy persuasions, and when not to.
by: Charles Godbout
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