Taxes, Only the Rich Pay
Taxes, Only the Rich Pay
Taxes, Only the Rich Pay
Every election year for at least the last forty years we have heard the same old rhetoric from the left. We're going to raise the taxes on only the rich, give every one else huge sums of money and benefits, vote for me and you will be living in the land of milk and honey.
Get Real!! How many times do people have to hear this before it FINALLY soaks in, there are no free lunches! When Incomes taxes were first implemented around the turn of the 20th century, the same technique was used. The idea was sold to the public,that only the very few rich would pay. How long did that last? Now almost a hundred years later,they same old , same old is still being sold to the American public. Wise UP!!
Some politicians, in the never ending quest for votes, try to create victims and make people dependent on government. Instead of trying to get the populous to improve themselves and achieve more, they want to make the citizens feel dependent on government thereby creating a need for all of the giveaways supplied by politicians, thereby creating a dependency, thus we as the common folk, can't live without them. There is no problem , that with the governments involvement ,can't be made worse.
When President Bush gave everyone a tax break, I heard and am still hearing that only the rich received a tax break, I am far from being wealthy, I received a tax break! Amazing!!! Sure the poor got no reduction in taxes, they don't pay taxes. How can a person receive a tax break when no taxes are paid. A refund on zero is zero, plain and simple. If they were to receive a refund, it would be welfare, not a tax break.
I realize there are times when an individual can experience hard times and need assistance. There is nothing wrong with that, it can happen to anyone. During these times individuals, civic groups, religious organizations and the government should assist in any way possible . But this help isn't meant to be a pension and go on for generations. Once assistance is no longer needed, it should be with drawn. You will find that many times the debt is repaid by this person by helping someone else in distress.
It seems to me the people that swallow this philosophy are jealous of every one whom they perceive to have more than they do. Rather than going out and working to achieve more, thereby elevating themselves financially and personally, they would just take from someone who already has it, it is easier that way. However if everyone would feel that way, soon no one would be working to advance themselves, why should they. It is much easier to let someone else work and pay the bills.
That is not the ideals that America was founded on.
I was always taught that if I wasn't happy with the life situation I find myself, it was necessary and my responsibility to work and change my environment myself, that is what I have always done, sometimes it takes a lot of hard work and time, but it can be done. Embarking on this journey, success isn't always attained instantaneously, however , the lessons learned will eventually lead us to accomplishing our goals . This is a lot more rewarding than sitting around waiting for a government handout and thus becoming dependent on some bureaucrat who only has his best interests at heart.
I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, to read some of my views :
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