Taking Care Of Business By Using VIP Executive Business Jet Private Charter Flights Globally

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In the modern world where time is quite literally money, the utilization of business jets provides a flexible, efficient means of doing business .Yet; these sleek flagships of aviation style provide a diverse range of services far beyond the traditionally perceived roles. From multi-nationals to medivacs, the business jet can be found playing its part with panache.
Shaking Hands
While the internet and advanced communications have enhanced business efficiency, personal relationships are still at the corporate core. For all the online hook-ups, there will never be a substitute for the face-to-face interaction for an important business meeting. This fact has long been recognized by those who conduct commerce, but often the challenge has stemmed from conquering the tyranny of distance without losing out in other areas of productivity.
Unfortunately ,when Michael Douglas' character of Gordon Gecko proclaimed that "Greed is good!" in the movie Wall Street it may have led to an Academy Award, but also propagated a stigma that hit corporate aviation in the late 1980s . This perceived image of that decade's extravagance was far removed from the true purpose of business jets, which lies in the efficient allocation of time and resources. True corporate aviation is most definitely about tools and not toys. And as tools, business jets have the potential to repay the investment many times over.
Clients are not always based at airports serviced by regular airline routes and even if they are, business is not always conducted to a schedule with long lead-times. Corporate aviation permits the ability to respond to critical matters both when and where they take place, without taking a highly paid executive away from his other duties for an extended period.Futhermore, the distance between supply and demand can be varied and in response the range of corporate aircraft have diversified accordingly. Whether the call comes from across the seas or a neighboring city, there is a business jet built to respond.
Making Cents
Ownership of business jet is a significant decision for any company. It is not made on impulse, but in the cold, hard fiscal reality of the board-room .The jet must be able to earn its keep' or its longevity in the modern corporate world is certain to be short-lived. Management must examine the potential benefits of the business jet and one difficulty can arise from the fact that some of the advantages are less quantifiable than others.
Accountants are easily able to break down travel budgets on an annual basis and identify how much is spent on airline tickets and hire cars. On this cost basis alone, the business jet will always face an uphill battle as it is more the nature of airline travel that can prove less conducive to business. Meetings are not always organized with adequate notice to benefit from cheaper fares, nor are can airlines they always guarantee that executive seated together. Furthermore, the timing of the meeting may not align efficiently with the airline services for that day.
Slightly less quantifiable is the true value of an executive's time. While their package and bonuses can mathematically be broken down into a rough hourly rate, it is the issue of downtime that airline travel can sometime conceal. Queues, cancelled flights, baggage delays and waiting in gate lounges can be costly for an executive who is being paid the top dollar.Additionally, many destinations may not have a direct service, resulting in more downtime as transits and connecting flights eat up the minute's enroute.
Corporate aviation can offer advantages both in terms of direct flights and minimizing downtime, however the advantages can reach even further. The onboard privacy can allow significant productive business to be done in the air without the prying eyes and ears of third parties. The intimate nature of the corporate cabin and club seating lends itself to efficient interaction between executives. And for those wanting to get work completed enroute, there is frequently access to phone communications and the ability to operate a laptop without a seat reclining into the executive's work-space.
The corporate jet can also be availed to the client to bring them to the companies' home base; no doubt an impressive way to conduct business. And there is no escaping the prestige that is inextricably linked to a business jet. It gives a definite aura of credibility that marketing campaigns can spend years trying to achieve. These advantages are virtually impossible to translate into direct dollar terms and yet they can still equate to sound business practice. Such is the specialized nature of corporate aviation.
Types for A Task
When Bill Lear's first jet rolled off the assembly line in the early 1960s, it bordered on a revolution. Lear had built a small aircraft that could provide the speed and comfort of the expanding jet airliner market for a load of only 6 passengers. Rather than a novelty, the aircraft had created a genuine niche in the marketplace for the business traveler.
Much has changed over half a century and the business jet market has grown and diversified accordingly. It has recognized that business aviation needs are as varied the products and services that their clients sell. Range, speed, comfort, economy, short-field performance, capacity and cabin height are just a few of the considerations that distinguish one bizjet' user from another. From the very light jets (VLJ) such as the single-pilot certified Citation Mustag,right through to the global reach of the Boeing 737 BBJ, all requirements can be catered for.
Beyond the budget, possibly the most significant challenge for the potential corporate aviator is to define their task accurately. What is the average sector length? How many passengers are generally required to be uplifted? Is pavement strength a dictating factor? What are the ground handling facilities at the most frequented airports of call? And so on. Ultimately, the final decision will be to source the aircraft that meets the majority of needs in the most efficient manner.
If runways are limiting in their length, then a straighter winged aircraft will offer the take-off and landing performance for a slight sacrifice in speed. Should the duration of the flights be significant, then cabin comfort and rest facilities may prove to be a priority. When operating into remote locations, the jet may require the autonomy of an auxiliary power unit (APU) for cabin power, air-conditioning and most importantly, the ability to start the engines. Each company will have its own requirements that determine the profile of its aero plane.
In response, some manufacturers have targettted specific areas of the market, while the likes of Cessna have developed the Citation range that extends from the small and simple Mustag through to the intercontinental citation x' which can stretch its leg s at Mach 0.92 .Even the Learjet isa still in production after nearly 50 years, although it is under the Bombardier banner these days.
The winner amongst this sea of choices is the client. Whether the primary task is to operate into unsupported airfield at mining sites or to deliver celebrities between Hollywood and endless red carpet' launches around the world, there is a business jet that can step up and be counted.
Off Broadway
The key to the success of the modern business jet is intelligent utilization. As such, it no longer resides solely in the realm of executives and celebrities. The performance and flexibility of business jets can fulfill the needs of a number of other specialized fields.
In the field of medical aviation, smaller jets are now frequently utilized in a variety of roles. From urgent medical evacuations and neo-natal retrievals to the transfer of stretcher-bound citizens to their homeland after an overseas misadventure. The fast, around the clock transfer of donor organs is another task ideally suited to the business jet profile.
Both governments and military bodies utilize business jets for VIP transport. Once again, the demands of this travel can be regional or global in nature and fleets are often established to provide the flexibility needed across this spectrum. The military also contract business jet in target towing' roles for exercise in conjunction with all branches of the armed forces to simulate mock attacks.
These are all additional roles in which the business jet can excel in areas that jet airliners simply cannot compete. For some companies these additional duties can provide a source of income by leasing out their company aircraft in periods of downtime. Once again, this must be weighed against the loss of short notice availability of the company's aircraft. Another means of reducing ownership costs over recent decades is the growth of fractional ownership.'
Fractional ownership is the aviation industry's answer to real estates' time share' arrangements. While these arrangements can be varied, fundamentally the company pays an equal fraction of the purchase price of a business jet in conjunction with other companies. As a quarter owner' or similar, of the aircraft , the company then pays a monthly fee to cover fixed costs and is entitled to a certain amount of utilization each year. As a part owner of the aircraft, the option also exists to sell that share should the need arise. The problem of dual bookings at the same time are offset by the fact that fractional ownership is often managed by specialized firms operating large fleets of comparable aircraft. One of the world leaders in fractional ownership is Net jets who operated across the United States and Europe.
Fractional ownership avails the world of business aviation to a broader audience who may not be able to afford the capital outlay and ongoing costs alone. As part owner, control of the airplanes management is transferred and this may not be some company's choice, for others it may be ideal. Corporate aviation is all about the best fit' and the most efficient use of the business jet within the company. Fractional ownership provides a further option of how this can be achieved.
Taking Care of Business
In the harsh light of the business world, corporate jets and their utilization must stand up to the intense scrutiny of the balance sheet. It is another aspect of doing business and consequently must meet the fiscal guidelines applied to all areas of business. Rather than a burden, this obligation has brought the business jets benefits more firmly into focus and called for its managers to operate the aircraft more efficiently and intelligently. In this manner, the company jet can become a very useful tool of trade on many levels.
Whether it is the balance sheet savings in travel costs, or the reduced downtime of valuable executives, corporate aviation has a defined role to play in the global economy. E-mails will never replace a hand-shake and a conference call can never capture the enthusiasm and passion of a new project.
As long as business calls for people to be involved, it will call for people to meet face to face.
While the smooth lines and comfortable cabin of the business jet will always hold pilots and clients equally in awe, it is its ability to get the job done efficiently that really stands to impress. The technical development of the corporate jet has come a long way in the last half century and its image has gone through almost as many changes. In a world moving at break-neck speed and where time is money, ultimately the business jet provides a very worthwhile means to take care of business.
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Taking Care Of Business By Using VIP Executive Business Jet Private Charter Flights Globally Atlanta