Tackling The Big Issues Of Climate Change And Global Poverty
Share: Climate change and global poverty are probably two of the biggest issues that we
humans have to think about and while most of us probably dont on a daily basis, it doesnt mean the issues arent always there in the background. And this is the thing, climate change and global poverty shouldnt be in the background but instead should always be a part of our thinking, in everything we do. So when we do our weekly food shopping, we should try to only buy what we need and to support good causes in the process, whether this is British farming or Fairtrade supported products and when we think about how we travel to work or to the shops, we should try and leave the car at home and walk or cycle instead.
This is of course easier said than done when we all lead such busy lives but it is possible if everyone pulls together and keeps these issues at the forefront, in the form of achievable aims, goals, schemes and initiatives. If we were all familiar with the facts about climate change and we all really truly understood what these actually meant in real terms, how people currently suffer and may suffer in the future, from the effects of floods, deforestation and food shortages. It is not just about switching your lights off when youre not in the room in order to save money and reduce your carbon footprint, or only boiling as much water as you need in the kettle, these things are important but it is the lifestyle changes that will make a real difference; choosing a bike instead of a car, minimising air travel, not wasting the food you buy and teaching your children how to live and behave responsibly.
Global poverty is a tougher one to comprehend when we dont live amongst it and because of the many shocking images we have been subjected to over the years in the media, the sad truth is that much of it has lost its impact and we almost used to the suffering. This is the reality and as a result the only way we are going to tackle it is by being able to support the farmers and producers of these countries who rely on trade with the West. This is where initiatives such as Fairtrade can have great success, when we are offered an ethical alternative to the things we would buy regularly anyway. There are plenty of other community development plans in place which you can get involved in, so what are you waiting for, help to tackle the big issues of climate change and global poverty today.
by: Jamie Francis
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