Synapseindia Offering Quality Services To Its Global Clientele Since 2000
The leading offshoring/ outsourcing service provider based in India
, SynapseIndia is a preferred and well-known name among the global businesses seeking to outsource their key business and IT services to India. Providing quality software solutions to its clients based in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and other countries, the company caters to a diverse range of industry verticals that include Automobiles, Health & Fitness, Pharmacy & Medicines, Real Estate, News, Information & technology, Law, Travel and Hospitality, Directory & Social Networking, Finance, Games, and more.
The services offered by the company span Search Engine Optimization, Web Design and Development, Software Development, E-Commerce, Mobile and Wireless Application Development and Internet Marketing and Online Reputation Management, and so on.
Growing under the worthy headship of
Shamit Khemka, the company has been showing a tremendous hundred percent growth since its inception ten years ago. Launched in 2000, the company was initially a set up of a few countable employees with limited resources. The remarkable growth in such a short time span is mainly due to the innovativeness and quality of services the company offers to its clients.
Shamit, being a true believer in achieving excellence through innovation, inspires his workers also to come up with innovative ideas so that they are able to deliver quality services to the clients. Apart from inspiring them to be innovative, Shamit makes sure that his workers are provided with encouraging and positive environment to support their growth as a professional. The policies are pro-employee and regular recreational activities are organized to keep the employees happy and motivated to give their hundred percent to the jobs assigned to them.
The proud Microsoft Gold Certified partner,
SynapseIndia provides equal opportunities of growth to all the employees. Quality is the utmost concern for the company and its the unremitting quality of services it has been offering to its clients since its inception that has made it a preferred outsourcing partner for several business worldwide.
The company strictly adheres to the international standards of quality. The prestigious CMMI level-3 accreditation along with the NASSCOM and FICCI certifications are hallmark to this fact.
by: SynapseIndia
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