» Finance » Sydney's Best Nightclubs - Moulin Rouge - Review
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Sydney's Best Nightclubs - Moulin Rouge - Review

Hidden hedonistic pleasures are the name of the game at Moulin Rouge

. The tease queen of the Cross, Moulin Rouge is all about seductive decor, dim lighting and everything burlesque. Opened in 2005, the Rouge as it's fondly now known, has been responsible for some of the cheapest and greatest parties.

Lilli Cassandra Chel owns and runs the place with her tattooist husband, Scott Allan Orrock. It's a cavernous, basement style club and from the street you don't quite know what you are getting as you head inside. Enter through a darkened concrete stairwell, have your hand stamped and then head on down to pay your cover charge. You're then lead into a den of bright red and gold. Yep, that's right, just like out of some forbidden encounter of wealthy seduction and lust, everything is red and gold, the walls, the banquettes and curtains. The women are even dressed in red corsets, fishnets and over the top feathered head pieces.

The place has two levels. The first has huge lounges and a small bar - while the second, hosts the small dance floor and another bar. Speaking of the bar, this club does some of the best shots ever! There nicely priced [$6], and staff do them well. Most of the drinks have a great sparkle added to them with sugar around the rims of the glasses [or is that just for the girls]? Friday nights are popular, what with the $5 cocktails and if you email your name to the club admin department, entry is $5 too.

This is a club where anything is acceptable [even topless dancing], although it is by no means a strip joint. Wait staff are friendly and drinks are cheap which is what keeps me coming back again and again. Down sides though are the lack of a coat room and the temperature in the club. They need to have serious repairs done on their air conditioner system. I have wondered though; perhaps they want it like that. Maybe it's just all part of the cheeky plan to get everyone hot, sweaty and nude.

Sydney's Best Nightclubs - Moulin Rouge - Review

By: barsandnightclubs
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Sydney's Best Nightclubs - Moulin Rouge - Review