Sustained global pharmaceutical outsourcing market in India and the various market - pharmaceuticals, the market - pharmaceutical industry
Global API The size of the market in 2006, about 33.6 billion U.S. dollars. The market has been a hotbed of outsourcing, more than half of them being outsourced to India, China and other low-cost Asian countries. This outsourcing trend has been in the past few years to fully develop. With the large pharmaceutical companies significant increase in demand, outsourcing gradually from a tactical or opportunistic only choice, evolved into the maintenance business to develop and maintain an industry leading strategic choice, which in turn contracts in India and China service providers have an enormous opportunity.
Present, large pharmaceutical companies are turning to contract manufacturing organizations. Global API Market, usually between India and China shows the trend of competition and cooperation.
Focus on traditional Chinese medicines Chinese companies have been on the market for Western medicines developed expertise in reverse engineering. As a result, China emerged a large number of experienced staff, they are very understanding of pharmaceutical process engineering. This not only provides for the multinational pharmaceutical companies a talent pool, but also makes the Chinese company in the design process when the non-patent infringement can be innovative.
China's pharmaceutical industry has also established a number of sizeable infrastructure, such as factories and equipment suppliers. Indeed, while India is outside the United States by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the largest number of state factories, but China has become India's bulk drug market is the preferred equipment supplier is an indisputable fact.
Traditionally, Chinese API companies have been locked in the eyes of the field of chemical synthesis, and are mostly used for domestic Pharmaceutical market . However, after several years of development, this situation began to change. At present, India's bulk drugs production and 60% for exports, while China represented approximately 50%. Bulk drugs market in Western Europe, India and China share of the company total more than 60%. It is estimated that by 2010, this proportion will rise to 67%.
In China, the factory put into operation with a large number of Chinese companies and multinational companies have enjoyed the advantage of low labor costs have faded now. This has prompted more and more Chinese companies focus on improving production processes.
Compared with India, in volume production for bio-pharmaceutical products, bulk drugs in the field, the Chinese company has not established a solid foundation, this area could barely see the figures of Chinese companies. So far, the Chinese pharmaceutical company (whether private or state-owned enterprises) are relatively low innovation capacity, they have been engaged in the production and delivery of innovative products, non-traditional medicines.
Help multinational companies in India to develop intellectual property protection policies
The Indian market as the contract manufacturer provides a great opportunity. India has 1.095 billion people, from the local market itself, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity.
India in 2005 after the implementation of the reform the patent system, transnational corporations will outsource production of more and more Indian companies are assured that this is because India is now not only have the production skills and infrastructure, but also conducive to the development of the intellectual property protection policies of transnational corporations. India with multinational companies want to use a variety of advantages: lower labor costs, meet the standards established by the U.S. FDA, specializing in the production of generic drugs, as well as in production quality, capacity and compliance more prominent and so on.
In India contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS) market, the contract manufacturing business accounted for a large proportion. In 2006, the business accounted for CRAMS market revenue share of about 71%.
India's main advantage is its cost, it has been widely publicized, and has been well received. Compared with Western countries, the cost of production in India can save about 60%.
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Sustained global pharmaceutical outsourcing market in India and the various market - pharmaceuticals, the market - pharmaceutical industry Amsterdam