Success vs Economy? What a joke

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Success vs Economy? What a joke
Weird. Some people think the economy has something to do with financial success. Very Weird. That's like me telling you that the city you live in has something to do with your physical fitness. Sure, your gym is likely in the same city, but the city has nothing to do with you building muscle or burning fat. It doesn't have any control over your diet either. In the same way, the economy is only the condition or location in which your business is found. Almost everything you do in your business will happen within the economy. However, the economy has nothing to do with income. It's up to the individual every time and in every case. Here's why.
Your brain only lets you see what it is looking for. It accomplishes this by a part called the Reticular Activating System. The Reticular Activating System is a filter that determines which information is allowed to be communicated from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind, and vise versa. Take, as an example, something that you consciously recognize, such as a particular song or opportunity. Regardless of what it is, it is first picked up by your subconscious mind, then it is analyzed by your Reticular Activating System, and if it passed the requirements, it is forwarded to your conscious mind. Only then does it come to your conscious recognition.
Hold loose. There's more.
Let's liken your subconscious mind to a radio, which can pick up all different kinds of frequencies. Your Reticular Activating System is like the knob, or frequency selector on the radio. Your radio is constantly picking up all those frequencies/stations, but the tuner is what determines which frequency is going to be played through the speakers. In the same way, your subconscious mind is processing 400,000,000,000 (billion) bits of information per second, but your Reticular Activating System is what determines which of that information is going to come to your conscious mind, and hence, to your recognition. Most people aren't aware that there is way more going on than what is consciously recognized.
Your subconscious mind picks up EVERYTHING that is going on just like the radio picks up all the stations. Your Reticular Activating System then either rejects the information or accepts it and sends it to your conscious mind. THE RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM IS TUNED ACCORDING TO YOUR BELIEFS! Everything that is relevant to your beliefs will be able to pass through this filter. Everything that is irrelevant is denied access, and CANNOT pass through the filter! Now let me give you the most common scenario that I deal with as a coach.
You believe that money comes very hard. From another angle, you believe that you have to work very hard to make a small amount of money. You also believe that you'll never get out of debt. We'll stop right here for this example. Your Reticular Activating System is tuned to allow you to recognize only information that is relevant to those beliefs. Your subconscious mind is picking up all kinds of opportunities where you are able to make money, but before you can consciously recognize them, the opportunities are getting discarded as irrelevant to what you are searching for! If they don't come to your conscious recognition, you can't make any decisions regarding them.
This is exactly why the guy next to you seems to have everything going for him. All the right opportunities, the perfect time, etc. It's because he has programmed his brain to look for that, whether he knows it or not. If you are on the lookout for success, you will find it. But, simply wanting it does not constitute looking for it.
So your beliefs make up your Reticular Activating System, and therefore determine what you will be able to see. If you have a belief that the economy is what determines kind of money you will be making or what kind of job you can get, your RAS will only allow you to recognize things that are based on that belief. If the economy says jobs are hard to find, you will be surrounded with or recognizing situations where a job is hard to find. If the economy claims that money is scarce, you will be found in situations where money will be scarce, you'll be meeting with people who feel the same. This is not because different people or situations are hard to find, but because you are conditioned to see only this way. Everyone and everything else is just discarded by your brain as irrelevant to what you're searching for. Your search query is your beliefs.
If you don't like the music that is playing through your speakers, you tune it to another station/frequency. If you want to change the information that you are recognizing so that you can start recognizing totally different things, you change the parameters of the Reticular Activating System. You do this by changing your beliefs. It's not easy and it takes some time at best, but how bad do you want change? Infact, statistically we only do 4% what we desire, and 96% what we are conditioned to do. Unless we change that, we will only be another case of history repeating itself. If we walk the same path that history has walked for generations, how can we expect different results?
It was not your fault because you didn't know, but now you know how it works. Now it is your responsibility.
* Dennis Andrew *
-NNOS Studios-
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