Study National Security Studies And Global Security Studies At A Security College
The domestic terrorist threat is valid and manifests itself in two ways: criminal networks and the radicalization of U.S
. citizens. History suggests that both possibilities can, and indeed, have occurred.
In the U.S. criminal networks have gained strength. Most major U.S. cities have street gangs that represent vast groups of people devoted to the gang's cause. These individuals may have a similar psychological make-up as the terrorist. Many have come from dysfunctional families, have achieved a low education, and are poor. Although not nearly as bleak as countries in the Third World, gangs in the U.S. are lacking in opportunity. The psychosocial make-up of street gangs in the U.S. may make them vulnerable to aligning with terrorist groups who may offer them money and weapons to fund their gang wars in exchange for carrying out terrorist attacks in the U.S.
There is a similar vulnerability with more organized crime. Though many in the U.S. media and film romanticize the organized crime lifestyle, the reality of such organizations is much different. They tend to be psychopathic organizations not interested in abiding by the law and whose aim is to maximize profit. Such a group may be vulnerable to being bought by terrorist organizations and sent on terrorist attacks.
There is also the threat of radicalization. There are many U.S. Muslims who have been mischaracterized because of their ethnic background. In addition to governmental initiatives that some may perceive to "target" Muslims it is possible that some U.S. citizens have projected their larger fears of radical Islam on Muslim Americans and as a result treated them in hostile or disrespectful ways. Those conditions can very likely foster resentment towards the government and a sympathetic attitude toward terrorist organizations.
Additionally, there are likely many Americans whose psychosocial ineffectiveness has led them towards a negative identity. Those who are more pathological may be vulnerable to seeking the negative terrorist identity. Thus, in addition to Muslim Americans being radicalized there is the possibility that non-Muslim Americans can be radicalized.
This security threat requires involved citizens to take part in protecting their homeland from attacks. People can learn more about such threats by taking national security studies or by being involved in global security studies. This kind of curriculum can be found at a security college and can be completed online.
The fact that this curriculum and an accredited security college can be found online is important. It allows the student to conveniently access serious information taught by former and current military and government agency workers. As such, the national security studies will be taught by people who know the field and who have experience in global security studies.
It is very possible that security colleges will be at the forefront of the fight against terrorism at home. They allow citizens who are in the strategic security field, or those who are not, access to national security studies and global security studies. Earning a degree in this area can lead to career advancement in the strategic security field or landing employment in private or government security.
by: Dan Sommer
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Study National Security Studies And Global Security Studies At A Security College Amsterdam