Strategies Which Will Make You More Reliable In Front Of Your Ebay Customers
There are times when you just cannot cope with your eBay customers
. Even though most clients who buy from eBay are reliable and serious persons, there are people who want to do your harm. If you are not ready to face trouble customers, you will get negative feedback and you will no longer be considered a trustworthy seller. In order to prevent this from happening you should do the following things.
1.Be patient with your customers
Even though you are an easy irritable person you have to maintain your calm when it comes to talking to your clients. If you lose your patience and start saying ugly words to your clients you will surely lose that client and receive a bad feedback. If you think you cannot cope with this type of situations without becoming angry you should better give up the business, before your reputation gets dirty.
2.Offer post-selling assistance
Do not think that when you have delivered the products all things are over. In fact, from there on you will have to keep in touch with the client until the package arrives at the destination. If he complains that the product did not already reached him, you should kindly ask him to wait for a couple more days and if the package still does not arrive, offer a refund or a replacement.
3.Be ready to offer a refund
As I previously mentioned, there are a lot of customers which are going to make you feel embarrassed or make you nervous. Yet, you have to be ready to deal with all their complaints, even if they are based on real facts or are just in their imagination. For example, there may be customers who claim that the description you have put on eBay does not match the product they received. Even though you know the description is as accurate as it may be, you do not have to panic. Instead offer a refund and apologize for the inconvenience. You will make a good impression on your buyers and they will come back other time, if they need something from you.
You may think that these strategies will make you lose money, but in fact they will help your clients trust you and give you good feedback. Thus, you should look at them as a kind of investment.
by: R Vignesh Kumar
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