Speedball Strategies For Paintballers

Share: There are different types of paintball games
There are different types of paintball games. One of the most popular is called speedball, and it is widely recognized by organized paintball sporting groups worldwide.
This format is usually played on a large outdoor field with boundaries, such as netting and fencing to keep players in bounds. The object is for each team to try to capture a flag or banner before the other and put it on top of a designated pole or tower.
While this may sound simple, it is more difficult when opposing team members are shooting paintballs at each other, knocking competitors out of play when they are struck with colored pellets.
A fast-paced game, teammates must advance as a group in order to help provide interference for each other. Obstacles and bunkers arranged throughout the course give cover from gel-like paint globs whizzing through the air at a fast clip, splatting against anything they hit.
Players use paint guns, also known as markers, to shoot at each other. These look like real-life guns and come in many models. Some resemble regular hunting rifles, while others look like sniper munitions straight from the movies.
One strategy for moving down the field to the flag is to jump from bunker to bunker for protection. Teammates usually take turns, as one runs and jumps to a new location, the other provides cover fire by spraying pellets at anyone trying to knock them out.
Obstacles can protect players from being hit, but eventually they must move around to advance to the chosen destination. Staying out in the open for long periods of time can be dangerous as well, because players are an open target for anyone lying in wait. Coming out into open view with no protection requires paintballers to be very swift of foot and athletic enough to dive or jump out of the way when paint is whizzing by their heads. While protective paintball gear is worn to prevent head and facial injuries, shots at close range can not only hurt, but make a colorful mess.
One of the most important things for new speedball players to remember is to avoid "tunnel vision." This happens when they are trying to maneuver in and out of one specific location and forget about the other field areas. As a result, other players can hone in and shoot from afar, and they are eliminated. Instead, players should keep a watchful eye on all areas of the playing field and communicate regularly with teammates.
Working together, one team will eventually become victorious by either eliminating all of the other team's members or by completing the task and winning the match.
by: Christine Harrell
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