Some Facts About Global Warming You Might Not Know
Here are some global warming facts that will give you the power to decide whether to care or not
, if youve got children or youre intending to have any, this is probably the biggest reason to care but as stated earlier, whether to care or not is your prerogative.
Huge rises in the Earths temperature quite simply this means a combination of droughts and flooding across the world. It is predicted that in as little as 40 years, the Arctic will have no ice during the summer months and the much loved polar bear will struggle to survive.
Melting ice caps and flooding and melting glaciers, both of which means rising sea levels and the very real possibility that tsunamis will not be something that happen on the other side of the world, theyll be happening right here in the UK and whole areas of the country will be wiped out including major cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester. Sea levels could rise by as much as 25 metres by the end of this century.
Extreme weather conditions due to rising temperatures and melting ice, the weather systems and the seasons are becoming more and more out of sync and extreme and the result is monsoons, scorching temperatures and heavy snowfall, all arriving without warning.
Damage to coral reefs suffered the most amount of die-off in 1998 because of their high sensitivity to small changes in temperature. This doesnt just mean no trips to the Great Barrier Reef when you visit Australia, it means the death of many species of plant, fish and the living coral itself and this has a knock on effect to the delicate balance in nature. Just as the dying out of bees could mean the wipe-out of the entire human race in four years, the dying out of whole species of fish or plant life as a result of climate change could mean the start of some serious diminishing in food supplies.
All these things might seem like a long way off but judging by the serious snowfall we encountered at the start of the year, which brought much of the country to a standstill; global warming is coming a lot sooner than you think.
by: Carlos Sintan
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