Small Business Coaching Cures 3 Top Business Frustrations
You know you are ready for small business coaching when any of the top three business frustrations are present in your life
. An experienced coach can guide and support you in remedying these road blocks to small business success.
Not Enough Customers
To survive businesses must generate fresh leads and prospects in order to maintain momentum. Have you got enough prospects coming into your sales pipeline now? You may be marketing your business with blinkers on.Many businesses utilize a very limited tool box of strategies and tactics in bringing potential customers to their business. If you have reviewed your results and need a real change of approach to deliver solid improvements,perhaps a small business coaching program is in order..
Lack of Focus and Lack of Direction
Distraction is a constant enemy of the entrepreneur (yes, that is you) and valuable energy is wasted every day in performing non productive tasks.. Do you sometimes confuse busy work with productive work? Don't let your distraction lead to disaster. Completing one priority task after another (sequentially) is more effective than jumping from task to task.
Clear vision, objectives and effective strategies will lead you to your goals and dreams more surely than flicking from project to project. Without distinct targets for your business you tend to make adhoc decisions which may, or may not, satisfy your desired outcomes. A decision to commence a small business coaching program could be the answer.
Working Too Many Hours
Perform this exercise and enlighten yourself. Note down how many hours you are applying to running your business on a weekly basis. Multiply this by say 50. Now jot down how much you draw in remuneration from the business per annum. Your total hours worked for the year are then divided into your yearly salary giving an hourly pay rate . You may find that your hourly rate is no more than that of a teenage shop assistant!.
I am sure that one of your main reasons you started your business was to create a great lifestyle for you and your family whilst building a future asset. The main goal here is to improve your business to the point where:
- You are paid handsomely for all the time, effort and money you have donated to the business
- The business is making a profit (not just covering your drawings)