Shock resistant watch - 4D Theater System Manufacturer - GLOBAL Customers Projects
ISO 1413 shock-resistant standard The International Organization for Standardization
issued a standard for shock resistant watches, which many countries have adopted. ISO 1413 Horologyhock-resistant watches specifies the minimum requirements and describes the corresponding method of test. It is intended to allow homologation tests rather than the individual control of all watches of a production of a production batch. It is based on the simulation of the shock received by a watch on falling accidentally from a height of 1 m on to a horizontal hardwood surface. In practice shock resistance is generally tested by applying two shocks (one on the 9 o'clock side, and one to the crystal and perpendicular to the face). The shock is usually delivered by a hard plastic hammer mounted as a pendulum, so as to deliver a measured amount of energy, specifically, a 3kg hammer with an impact velocity of 4.43 m/s. The watch must keep its accuracy to +/- 60 seconds/day as measured before the test. Usage Since their appearance shock resistant watches have found a wide application in different activities, especially where people deal with shocks to their wrists. Today even divers' watches (according to ISO 6425) must correspond not only with such criteria as water resistance, luminosity, magnetic resistance and strap solidity, but also shock resistance. See also Watch Diving watch Magnetic resistant watch Water resistant watch Incabloc shock protection system References ISO 1413:1984 Horology -- Shock-resistant watches External links What is a shock resistant watch Categories: Certification marks | Watches | HorologyHidden categories: Articles lacking sources from November 2009 | All articles lacking sources
Shock resistant watch - 4D Theater System Manufacturer - GLOBAL Customers Projects
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Shock resistant watch - 4D Theater System Manufacturer - GLOBAL Customers Projects Seattle