Shipping Something Next Day Air With FedEx Or UPS? READ THIS FIRST!
Shipping Something Next Day Air With FedEx Or UPS
If you are looking forone moreway to save money on shipping small packages here is a tip. FedEx and UPS service many points next day guaranteed with their low cost Ground Service. So, why pay for next day air service on a package you need to be delivered tomorrow at double or triple the cost? For example, from our food fulfillment warehouse in eastern PA, FedEx will service anywhere from New York City down to Washington DC next day with their ground service. There is no need for us to EVER pay for next day air to any of those points. Similarly, FedEx Ground is just a 2 day service to Chicago and most of the Midwest. Again, as a more cost effective option compared to Second Day Air, Ground is a better choice.
Check out the FedEx site to calculate transit time from your location to where your package is going.
To illustrate, online ecommerce business and artisanal sausage retailer Sausage Obsession reduced their shipping costs by over 50% when they began shipping products Ground instead of Next Day Air. The handmade sausage products Sausage Obsession sells are all shipped fresh or frozen. Obviously getting the customer orders shipped from their order fulfillment operation has to be done quickly and reliably. With the same type of packaging and amount of dry ice they were using before, Sausage Obsession is now able to service all their customers half way across the country without paying for expensive Next Day Air delivery.
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