Set up your own Educational franchisee centre with Infoglobal

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Become a franchisee in lowest ever franchisee fees.Courses inCCA- Certificate in Computer Application,DCA- Diploma in Computer Application, DTP- Diploma in Computer Application, CFA- Certificate in Financial Accounting, DHT- Diploma in Hardware Technology, DHN- Diploma in Hardware Networking,DMD- Diploma in Multimedia Designing.
Franchisee Fees-
Master State Franchisee-Rs 2 Lack
Authorised Training Center-Rs 1 Lack
Every franchisee Centre(ATC) gets the folloing materials:-
Centre Registration, Address, e-mail ID, and Authorization Name on Website. Authorization Certificate.
Agreement Paper, Franchisee Letter.
Counseling Pad.
Letter Pad.
Enquiry Form Pad.
Admission Invoice Pad.
Manual Documents.
Student Fee Card
Student I-Card
Student Prospectus
Student Bag
Question Paper
Infoglobal Front Centre Board- 1pc
Poster Multi-Color- 500 pcs
Flash Multi-Color- 5 pc (For Theory and Lab Room)
Banner Multi-Color- 2 pc
Handbill Multi-Color 500 pcs
Poster, Banner, Flash & Pumplet Design CD 1 pc
Infoglobal Software CD 1 pc
Book Samples
The Royalty Fee for each student will be charged as
Two and Three Months200/-
6 and 9 Months350/-
12 Months500/-
Above 12 Months1000/-
You have the right solution with us. A to Z readymade kit, tech-know-how,course wares ready to print, brouchers, formats, advt material design in printformats, tie-ups for brand building and much more..Visit:- today's world extra academic training along with educational qualification is must. we are hereby offering you and opportunity to take a franchisee at absolutely low registeration fees.As per our registration you organisation will be offered the above courses for enrolling the students.1. Hardware networking2. Jewellery making3. Fashion designing4. Beautician5. Accountancy ie vat tally etc6. Software7. Multimedia.
Get the opportunity of becoming a franchisee. *Fashions*Interior&Jewelllery Designing *Multimedia *Hardware *Computer Courses Low royalty High ROI .
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