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Saving Your Money From False Foreign Recruitment Agencies

Lots of people nowadays are crazy about having a job abroad

. For this reason, they go look for the assistance of existing foreign recruitment agencies. However, there are some false agencies which make the most of job hunters to earn easy money from them.

If you are one of the numerous people who want to work abroad, here are some suggestions which can help you avoid getting fooled by fake foreign recruitment agencies:

Take A Peek On A Directory of Legitimate Foreign Recruitment Agencies

Make it sure that your prospective agency is approved by the employment administration. Think about applying only to licensed or accredited foreign recruitment agencies.

Observe Care In Dealing With 'Agents'

Before you deal with anybody, make sure he is a certified representative of the agency. If you're able to, avoid making arrangements outside the agency's registered address too.

Request For Recommendations

It is crucial to verify if your potential agency has truly given jobs to past job applicants. Moreover, it is also better to make inquiries on how long the agency has been into business. Nothing beats a well-established agency, for it is an add-up to its trustworthiness.

Be Cautious of Large Placement Fees

Ask about the government regulations regarding placement fees. Be dubious if the fee is above the legal amount. Furthermore, request for a written contract and receipt before paying.

Never Give Your Payment To An Anonymous Person Or Entity

Some ads require you to reply or send payment to unverified persons and addresses. Do not believe such advertisements.

Don't Execute Arrangements With Fixers

It is possible to get tempted by fast services offered by fixers. You should not ever be convinced, for you might be into various problems.

Make A Record Of All Discussions Made

It is crucial to record all the transactions done and each and every necessary piece of information. You might need these in the future.

Foreign recruitment agencies indeed have a big role in many people's lives nowadays, most importantly those who are seeking jobs abroad. By doing the suggested tips, people can avoid illegitimate foreign recruitment agencies, which only aim is to earn a lot of money from making a fool out of poor job hunters.

by: Myrtle Davis
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Saving Your Money From False Foreign Recruitment Agencies