Even little things are important with the economy we're in
. Even saving a few cents on gas can make a difference. Your driving habits can decide how your vehicle consumes gas. Try these suggestions for using gas wisely.
Does my tire pressure really make a difference?
Yes when your air pressure is low, the tires actually drag on the road and use up extra gas. The car burns more gas when the tires struggle. The ideal pressure should be in the manual that came with your car. Don't go over thirty five psi, but use the listed number plus 2. Just this can add an extra mile to your mileage per gallon. To maintain this, you should check tire pressure every other day.
What is the best gas to use?
When getting gas for your vehicle, toy have options of premium or unleaded. Unless your vehicle requires premium, it is unnecessary. Using the cheaper gas is okay as long as your owner's manual indicates it is safe for your vehicle. I you don't need premium, but use it, you are throwing money away. Your vehicle will be extremely damaged if you use low grade when you need premium.
Shopping for good gas prices is a good idea. Usually areas with two or three gas stations in a small area will have competitive prices. Gas stations that are located close to the expressway exits will always have higher prices. As you drive around town, keep an eye out for good prices.
Does my vehicle's condition make a difference?
When your engine is in need of a tune-up it can use up gas just by trying to start. If the engine takes a while to crank over, it probably used about two miles worth of gas. The engine works harder when air filters are dirty or spark plus need replacing. This will use excess gas. When you visit your mechanic to change your spark plugs see if they will turn up the timing just a little if possible. This will save a little gas.