Save Money By Eating Together
A wise soul once said that families who eat together stay together and since then
this mantra has been adopted by many authors or self-help books, chefs and even used as the basis for advertising food products. Whether sitting down as a family at meal times rather than grabbing a snack, sandwich or microwave meal whenever you want it does make for a contented and happy family or not will probably never be conclusively proven but what can be said for it is that youll save money by doing so.
For a family of four, two parents and two children old enough to get their own dinner if they need to, using a microwave, an oven, a hob or a kettle on four separate occasions is bound to burn more energy than if those four meals were prepared and cooked together, using the appliance or appliances in question only once. Lets assume that everyone comes home from school, work or college at different times, after all, this is generally what happens with a family with children or teenagers, its likely then that people will be hungry at different times.
Cooking a microwave meal at 5.00pm, followed by another one at 6.00pm, followed by use of the fan assisted oven at 7:30pm and the kettle on each of these occasions too will cost you more in terms of money and electricity than if the whole family waited to eat until 7:30pm. Not only this but the same is true of the washing up; its unlikely that the teenagers will be willing to do their own washing up let alone everyone elses but if you all eat together you can load up the washing machine instead, create a full load and as long as youve got an energy efficient washing machine, youll save yourself a packet on electricity and water costs.
The best way to save money when using household appliances is to use them as little as possible and if this means cooking and eating together then so be it, weve chosen convenience over common sense on far too many occasions in recent years as it is, the death of the high street being the most obvious example. Using your appliances less will also increase their life, meaning they will be a more sound investment for the future and if you choose Hotpoint dishwashers, Beko dishwashers or a dishwasher from any other major brand that is also energy saving recommended, youll be giving yourself the lowest possible electricity and water bills and less family fights about money and budgets.
by: Paul Davies
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