Richmondd Global School – A Name for Your Kids Education
Richmondd Global School A Name for Your Kids Education
Richmondd Global School is a well-established school in Delhi. Scientific Methods of teaching have been adopted at Richmondd Global School. Highly Trained Teachers over here provide the right kind of education. Here the students are encouraged to develop deep-seated ethical values and the students are exposed to modern and technologically driven environment. Values are inculcated into students so that they develop rich heritage and human potential towards the betterment of the society.
Holistic Curriculum helps in the all round development of the personality. Here you evolve in teaching and get the right kind of methodology and inspiration. You get to look through activity methods and project methods and get to do case studies, projects and presentations. There is also constant updating of the curriculum. Student exchange program also helps in interacting with the best schools of the world.
The focus at Richmondd Global School is on developing analytical skills, communications and problem solving and team work abilities. Computer Education is imparted from the very first day and special classes and workshops are organized. The nursery school adopts new techniques, methods and facilities to help students adopt new techniques, methods and facilities to help students prepare for their future. Information Technology and Internet Facilities are provided.
The info-tech centre is used to train students to use IT as a working tool. It also helps the students is exploring the vast resource knowledge that is available on the Internet. There are Audio-Visual Aids and LCD Projectors that are installed in the school that make teaching more interactive and interesting. Richmondd Global School also has a Learning Resource Center, which has a large pool of resource that helps in learning in the diverse fields like information technology, science and general knowledge. The Learning Resource Centre also has many periodicals, journals and references that help in keeping the students up to date.
The Research laboratories have many Language Labs, Electronic Labs, Mathematics Lab, Physics Lab, and Chemistry Lab. The school also provides sports like volleyball, basketball, table tennis, lawn tennis and badminton. Other sports which you can take part in include Taekwondo (Material Art), Music (Vocal/Instrumental), Choreography (Western, Classical, Salsa, Jazz) etc. Other fitness sessions provided here include Yoga/Arabic and Folk Dance
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