Retirement Investing
How many times have you heard people speak of
investing in the stock market? They talk about selling short or long, putts & calls. How they bought a penny' stock & sold for a killing'. You have to admit, it has a romanticism to it. Wall street is an exciting place where Billions (with a B) are trading every day. Some millions are gained and some are lost.
For most, Wall Street is a place in the movies or what we read about in the newspaper. If you ever get the oppor
tunity, go visit Wall Street.
You will be amazed. It is a frantic experience.
Baby Boomers are risk takers. That's why this country has progressed to where it is today. Are you? If you decide to invest in the
stock market, you must do your due diligence. You could be a very successful investor or you may bring financial ruin to yourself and family. Remember Bernie and his Ponzi scheme?
With today's electronic world, you can do trading online with just a few clicks of the mouse. Imagine with one click you can go broke. So here lies your Caviot. Do your home work, speak with professional investment counselors, CPA's, tax attorney's, bankers and the like.
Some of the advantages of being online with your financial information are:
.. Your bank balances are only a few clicks away & your investments > are there for you on a daily basis. You can have updates emailed to you. This type of investing can raise your awareness or lower your tolerance when you see what's happening on a daily or hourly basis.
... Online services have lowered trading fee's and made it more convenient for you. However, by not meeting with a broker, you may loose contact with their expertise.
... Warning! Your online trading can become not only entertaining but also obsessive. Rather than putting your money into an investment that will meet your long term goals, you may look to do short term more risky investments.
. The sudden interest in online trading has made more people knowledgeable about the stock market and what their money is doing. There is no downside to becoming educated about this important part of your financial planning.
As with anything in life, common sense and balance is crucial not to let yourself be obsessed with investing. Baby Boomers have a lot of time on their hands and often find themselves without enough money at the end of the month. So, it's easy to see online investing as a way to supplement their income. Be careful....You may loose it all.
If there was any mantra, we must have about investing, especially if we are using online tools, it is, Be prudent and be informed. There is no replacement for getting some education and doing some comprehension into the workings of the stock market and into the strategies that are most likely to be a success for you. The stock market is no place for get rich quick schemes because they are more likely to result in get poor quick outcomes.
But for the smart
baby boomer who does his or her homework and knows what they are doing and gets good advice from investment analysts that know the market, online investing can become a good addition to your financial planning arsenal and be a lot of fun for you as well.
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Retirement Investing
By: ric dalberri
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