Regardless Of The Circumstances, You Need A Dui Lawyer In California
Whenever there is a car crash on our highways or streets
, our minds are already piqued for the inevitable question about the alcohol factor. Even when none of the affected individuals has any impairment, no news report would be complete without the statement that alcohol does not appear to be a factor in the mishap. This is part of the reason it is so important to retain a DUI lawyer in California if you are cited for impairment.
The American culture is extremely fond of automobiles and alcohol, and yet the two are a disastrous combination. Our love affair with the car is such that mass transit systems have never really had much of a groundswell of support from any quarter. Through movies and societal behaviors, with a terrific push from some very sophisticated advertising, the use of alcohol has become a ubiquitously accepted social norm, despite the fact that we all know we make poorer decisions after drinking.
The true nightmare scenario is you having the smell of alcohol on you when someone else, driving recklessly or distracted crashes into your vehicle. The chance of you being able to explain what really happened are significantly diminished the second the officer sense you have had a few drinks. We are, as a society, spring loaded to the conclusion that the person in an accident that was drinking must be at least partially if not wholly responsible, even before an analysis of the mishap has been conducted.
It is easy in hindsight to point to an individual that is arrested for drunk driving and conclude they made a bad decision for which they must now be punished. Looked at from an objective viewpoint however, we do not make it easy for an individuals to make the right decision, save the adage that if you have even one drink you should not drive. There is no objective way for a person leaving a restaurant or bar to assess the level of blood alcohol they have, so all they can do is ask themselves if they feel okay to drive.
We are each individual human beings, and our tolerance levels to alcohol are as unique as our fingerprints. Even the same individual will have varying responses to alcohol over time, sometimes less susceptible, sometimes more so. Then there is that field sobriety assessment, it singularly empowers the arresting officer to decide the state of sobriety of the suspect, sometimes at the suspects expense.
There is no question the public safety mandates that our highway patrol and other law enforcement officials need to do everything they can to eliminate the impact of individuals driving incapacitated. Unfortunately, the results of being cited for DUI are the same whether you just decided to pound a six pack of beer, or have taken medication for the first time and are having a bad time with its impact on your system. Medical conditions can also leave one with the appearance of inebriation.
While it does not happen often, there are instances wherein individuals undergoing a period of hypoglycemia which law enforcement has incorrectly diagnosed as drunken behavior. This is a natural result of the overwhelming pressure to eliminate drunk driving as a source of vehicular deaths. There is, of course, logic to the stance that it does not matter what is causing an individual to drive poorly, the danger to others is the same, yet justice would dictate a more reasoned response.
Without regard to guilt or innocence, the inflammatory nature of a citation for drunk driving means that such a case will be pursued with vigor under the law. An individual who means well and tries to handle the situation by themselves is likely doing themselves a tremendous disservice. It has been said that he who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer, and that is definitely true in these situations. If you get arrested retain a DUI lawyer in California and give yourself an even chance.
by: Darell Belen
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Regardless Of The Circumstances, You Need A Dui Lawyer In California New York City