Reduce Your Footprints - How To Stop Global Warming
Global warming refers to the increase in average temperature of the earth
, particularly at the lower atmosphere due to the abundant increase of greenhouse gases. This is primarily due to the human's intervention and the life style they have adapted in the recent years. Now the question is this: How to stop global warming?
Click Here For Reduce Your Footprints Instant Access Now!Number one: Plant trees. As trees grow, they help stop global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. Trees absorb and store the key greenhouse gas emitted by our cars and power plants, carbon dioxide, before it has a chance to reach the upper atmosphere where it can help trap heat around the earth's surface.
Number two: Drive an energy-efficient car. An example of this is a hybrid car which runs on both gas and electricity. The average hybrid can save 16,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year, and 3750 dollars in gas money. Also make sure that your car's tires are properly inflated to prevent the release of extra pounds of carbon dioxide every year.
Number two: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Do not dump waste products on the ground, as these biodegradable products undergo anaerobic decomposition, producing methane in the process of breaking down. Methane, as we all know, is a greenhouse gas. Also, buy recycled products. Instead of throwing away old and unwanted stuff, you should try donating or selling them.
Number four: Use electrical appliances that do not emit greenhouse gases. The incandescent light lamp, for instance, emits 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. This can be replaced by a compact fluorescent light bulb which saves much energy. Number five: Buy organic products as another way on how to stop global warming. Remember that large agricultural sources use chemicals, which pollute water and require energy to produce.
Click Here For Reduce Your Footprints Instant Access Now!Reduce Your Footprints - How To Stop Global Warming
By: John Reeves
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