The newest review and social networking web site is It went online late October 2010 and focuses on negative apartment reviews from tenants who are having or had problems with their apartment or landlord. The idea of having negative reviews is so that tenants who are considering renting an apartment can search the web site for their apartment and see if there are any issues with the unit from past tenants or "hidden" problems that the realtor or landlord fail to disclose or maybe they are not aware of a certain problem. Besides having reviews of apartments it will also feature reviews for condos, rental homes, vacation homes, student housing and military housing.
The web site is based on a similar platform as Yelp with pretty much all of the same features. The main difference is that it's niche is apartment reviews and not reviews of every single business in the world. It's my opinion that it will only be a matter of time before you see other review web sites come online focusing on other niche markets since quality will always trump quantity plus it makes it a lot easier for users to navigate and socialize.
The main goal of the web site is to help renters from making a mistake by signing a lease on an apartment and having to go through the same nightmare that they did. It's a great web site and will surely be a hit as it gains popularity in the near future.
For more information visit to search and post reviews.